Home ENTERTAINMENT Calm and stormy seas: photos of week 43

Calm and stormy seas: photos of week 43


The sound of rushing water calms many people, but the flow of water can be strong and dangerous. We find water in a variety of shapes, colors and environments on our planet, and the photographers in our gallery have captured some particularly beautiful examples.


Kriebstein Castle

(Image: Dave Derbis)

Zaschopau’s bright blue color surrounds it Kriebstein Castle And brightens the entire atmosphere. Dave-Derbis uses long exposures to make the water look as if it has been painted. The contrasting colors also make the overall picture look like something out of a fairy tale book.

water lily ii

(Image: camera66)

swim in peace two water lilies On the surface of the water, in the pond during summer. Camera66 (aka Volker Lampe) captures the spectacle “from above”, so that no horizon is seen as a straight line, meaning the final image is reminiscent of a Monet painting. To bring the artist’s lightness to the image, Camera66 breathes lightly on the lens, creating a blur.

great heron

(Image: Pham Nuvem)

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The scenery looks surreal great heronWhich pierces the deepest darkness with its dazzling whiteness. Pham Nuvem (aka Stefan Weber) can’t help but press the shutter button immediately upon seeing. It is especially important for him that the reflection be photographed completely, especially because there is no wind at that time. “This gives the image a dynamic component that would have been missing without the slightly distorted reflection.”


(Image: lightpix84)

Prolonged exposure changes water and waves stage In a literal sea of ​​clouds and stones it appears as if they are floating – a true natural scene fantastically captured by Lightpix84.

out to sea

(Image: Bernd Seibel)

However, the sea does not feel as comfortable at Finistère, the westernmost tip of Brittany. The boat rocks back and forth dangerously and still sails on boldly out to seaThe true form of this force of nature is shown here openly with the help of Bernd Siebel’s photograph and appears even more dangerous due to the unsaturated colors.


(Image: JensenR)

A fence extends into the endless distance, the water sparkles mysteriously BlueStill a reflection of reality. This picture of JensonR is reality. What’s at the end of the horizon? We can only dream of it.

torrential rain

(Image: Martin Ruop)

This photo by Martin Ruop reminds us that along with all the calm states of mind of water, there are also raging rivers. Powerful, vigorous and invincible. The power of water is effectively represented and resembles torrential rain,

You can find an overview of all this week’s photos here:

Picture 1 From 7

Saturday: Kribstein Castle (Image:

dave derbys



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