“We hope that community notes will be less biased than independent factual tests that you replace because it allows more people with more aspects to contribute to context.” The meta platform is looking for changes away from professional facts away from professional facts for comments made by randomly selected volunteers. These are people who otherwise post themselves and/or support the Metas algorithms that carry forward foreign positions, but facts usually have no qualifications for research.
Models for this are community notes of microblogging service X. Users aim to complement foreign contribution to meta, which provides Facebook, Instagram and Threads with notes and thus provides “reference”. The comments should not exceed 500 characters and there should be a hyperlink on a resource that is considered to support the note made. However, the meta is forbidden to reconstruct.
A public sector test begins in six languages in the United States on 18 March: English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, French and Portuguese. For some time, the author of individual community notes remain the secret of Meta. Outside the United States, Meta still pays professional facts for selected languages until the next notice.
The X-Lagorithm decides what is going on
Which community notes will be published in all decisions Information According to an algorithm, Joe Meta copied from X. Meta gradually wants to adapt this open source algorithm to its ideas. The system is considering a commentary considering the author’s prehthema and seeking the approval of others that mostly represent opposite ideas. “This is not a majority system,” emphasizes the meta, no matter how many community grades agree, it will not be published until people who are normally different, decide that the note provides a useful reference. “
But even if the evaluation is unanimous, community notes should never affect the spread of the original contribution to the Metas network. Even more dangerous nonsense, which has been warned by all the authors of the community, is not automatically presented to less users.
Who can participate
If you want to compensate community notes, you should be at least 18 years old, should have a meta account over six months without locks, and either verified your telephone number or activate two-factor certification. Such users can register in a waiting list, on which according to Meta, there are currently 200,000 people. Meta invites you to participate in field trials from this pool.
Example of a published community note
(Image: Meta Platform)
“We make it publicly, while we learn from contributors and see how it works in our products,” Meta says, “We don’t expect this process to be correct.” Depending on the experience, the community emergency program has to be improved over time. Meta announced that their facts could be canceled around the world and want to replace them with free community notes of random users.
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