Home DEVELOPER AppleScript: Script Debugger is being discontinued after 30 years

AppleScript: Script Debugger is being discontinued after 30 years


Script debugger software for Mac provided a niche service – but it was apparently very successful and lasted for decades. The tool for development with AppleScript will be discontinued in mid-2025, as the developers have now announced. they love each other According to his own statement Relax. The script debugger will be available for free to anyone interested from mid-year, but will no longer be developed.


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The two-person software project began in 1995 when Mark Aldritt founded Late Night Software Company with his wife, Geri Tubin. The Script Debugger is currently available in version 8. In addition to Aldritt, Shane Stanley is responsible for development.

Script Debugger is a commercial development environment for Apple’s scripting language, introduced in 1992. Compared to the editor that Apple itself distributes, the tool, which costs $99, has functions that go much further. These include, among other things, a powerful debugger, an object browser, code completion, and extended error diagnosis options.

According to Aldritt, the script debugger has survived four processor architectures and Apple’s near-destruction. The software dates back to the classic MacOS and today its current version natively supports the Apple Silicon Architecture introduced in 2020.

AppleScript is enjoying popularity among professional Mac administrators and power users who use it to automate operations on Apple devices. However, the Shortcuts app offered by Apple also gives users an option that is more suitable for simple projects than a scripting language.

According to Mark Aldritt, development of the software will end this month. Sales and support are expected to continue through June. The plan is then to offer all versions from 5.0 onwards for free download. Interested people will receive registration codes to activate the software. The developers wish to continue participating in the exchange’s forum, but no longer provide official support.

For legal reasons, the script debugger cannot be published as open source software, Aldritt said. This is because some parts of the software cannot be made freely available because both developers do not have the proper rights. Therefore further development of IDEs in this way is not a matter of debate.


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