In everyday life you face countless products and services – some inspiration, others provide disappointment. But what can you learn from such product experiences as a product owner? In this episode of product workers, Oliver Winter and Tim Klein speak exactly: How can everyday product experiences be used to improve their own product growth?
Product experience between life
Tim Klein reported on a beverage kiosk in which he asked gluten -color beer. The owner did not have his limits, but showed great interest and spontaneously decided to give a test order. An example of experimental processes and direct customer reaction can reduce uncertainties. If you want to improve your product, you should actively discover such product experiences and learn from them.
Another experience suggests how poorly adequate can lead to negative emotions. On skiing holiday, Tim Klein was rejected after a long wait, as he had not already registered with his data on a terminal. The lack of communication on this disappointed him. A comprehensive problem: Both companies and product owners consider individual process stages instead of customizing only the entire user experience.
But two podcasters also get positive examples: after a skiing accident, Tim Klein immediately got a QR code after his MRI, with which he was able to call digitally pictures. A small change that ensures greater transparency and gives users personal responsibility. There are many references in which product experiences that promote autonomy leave a permanent positive impression.
Oliver Winter had similar experiences in local public transport. In Austria, he used an app, which made the purchase of tickets very simple. No tariff zone confusion, no cumbersome payments-come out, come out, is done. A prominent example of solving a user problem also reduces complexity.
But not all digital services work so easily. In a Berlin Museum, Tim Klein booked time -time tickets to avoid a long wait – only to determine that the system was completely overloaded or the time was completely overbook and the entry had moved to hours. False expectation is a classic example of management, which eventually leads to disappointment with the user.
With open eyes through everyday life
These very personal and many other stories suggest how fast the product experience can make the product development approach. Anyone who goes through everyday life as a product owner recognizes patterns with open eyes, finds inspiration and can draw valuable knowledge to his work from real experiences. Hence the invitation to product workers: reflects your own product experiences and consider which principles you can transfer to your products.
Episodes on product experiences that refer to:
The current version of the podcast is also available in the product worker’s blog: “Learn from product experiences in everyday life,
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