Home ENTERTAINMENT Unbelievable but true: It’s playing “LIVE 7 Days to Die” version 1.0!

Unbelievable but true: It’s playing “LIVE 7 Days to Die” version 1.0!


Surviving after the apocalypse, building everything you need, cooking, hunting and gardening, as well as exploring, gathering and tower defense, and of course zombies – lots of zombies: that’s it”7 days to die“. The developers of The Fun Pimps had a lot planned for 2013. Well, it took a little longer than planned (almost eleven years of early access on Steam), but now version 1.0 of the everything-in-one game is arriving. On Friday, the traditional streamer weekend starts on June 21, on which selected Twitch and YouTube streamers can exclusively play an experimental version, and c’t zockt is also offering live streams YouTube And Twitch back again.


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Next Monday, version 1.0 experimental will be released for all 7 Days to Die players on Steam. If you have the game in your Steam library, you just need to select “latest_experimental” in the properties (right click on the 7 Days to Die entry) under “Betas” in the context menu. Otherwise, 1.0 will only be available when the “stable” version is officially released.

The game world of “7 Days to Die” is made up of voxels, three-dimensional bodies, in the simplest case cubes. Anyone who has ever played “Minecraft” knows this kind of sandbox world. But unlike “Minecraft”, “7 Days to Die” does not look like a Lego installation. If you want to build your own, you can choose from more than 1200 frame shapes, which have been expanded to include 162 more shapes in version 1.0. Points of interest (POIs), i.e. houses and special areas, will also be increased to more than 75 new locations. This includes a “7 Days” hotel and a military facility built into the mountain. The exact number of POIs that can be researched is not known, but there are probably more than 600 and most of them are targets for potential merchant tasks.

One of the many new POIs is a military base built into the mountains

The tutorial tasks that every player must complete at the beginning are now integrated into the new challenge system. It introduces additional tasks related to base building, survival strategies, fighting zombies, crafting, trading, collecting, hunting and gardening. Different challenges can be completed at will. There are the usual four skill points for the tutorial, for the others you get XP and rewards from merchants.

Everything new: Player characters and armor in 7 Days to Die version 1.0

Fun Pimps has also improved the design of player characters and integrated new thematic armor – full armor in a category provides additional features and abilities. Animals in “7 Days to Die” have received a new design and improved animations, but in version 1.0 only modified deer, wolves and pumas will appear, other animals will appear in one of the next patches. Zombies appear in different outfits and hairstyles, so you no longer constantly feel like you’re fighting a clone army. Vehicles have also been significantly upgraded and they usually have at least one extra seat; the all-wheel drive jeep has given way to a monster truck and can carry up to six players, including the driver.

The four-wheel jeep becomes a monster truck. Modifications such as field headlights, turbos and mine clearers are shown as attachments.

Fun Pimps has changed all the adjustments in “7 Days to Die” 1.0: graphics and lighting distribution have been optimized, the graphics engine has been switched to Unity 12 LTS with improved DX2022 and Vulkan support. Game progression, which was sometimes difficult in Alpha 21, should be smoother: Dew collectors can be produced earlier in the game, but initially only provide dirty water. With water filters as a modification, it becomes drinking water that does not need to be boiled. Storage boxes can now be upgraded like building blocks, making them provide more storage space. Legendary tier 6 weapons and equipment were previously found or obtained as rewards from the dealer. In version 1.0 they can be crafted, but this requires very rare “legendary parts”.

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Once again, the Fun Pimps have heavily rebuilt, expanded and optimized “7 Days to Die” – the details are too numerous to list briefly. But this time they have a special reason: “7 Days to Die” 1.0 will not only be available for Windows, macOS and Linux, but it will also be released as a console version for PS5 and Xbox versions X and S. The price for the game has also been heavily promoted: “7 Days to Die” will cost 45 euros in all versions. The Fun Pimps have given a possible release date of July 25. The game is currently available on Steam for 23 euros.

The C’t-zockt team will explain what has changed and watch version 1.0 of “7 Days to Die” live on Friday, June 21, 2024 at 8pm and on Saturday, June 22 at 17pm Twitch And YouTube Checking in. Liane, Mirko, Immo and Rudy put the zombie apocalypse through its paces and zombie interiors, in any case we test until there’s blood 😉

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7 Days to Die Version 1.0 Experimental Streamer Weekend

c’t zockt is comprised of gaming fans from c’t Magazine. We play games across the board, particularly indie and early access games, have a heart for retro titles and occasionally venture into virtual reality. We stream live from our video studio on YouTube and Twitch. We also regularly publish new videos about games on YouTube. Keep an eye out!

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