Home MOBILE Raja visits Barcelona Super Kamputing Center on the early day of mobile

Raja visits Barcelona Super Kamputing Center on the early day of mobile


King Felip vi Barcelona supercomputes centerOne of the largest European supercomputes centers and host supercomputers, one of the most powerful in the world, and is interested in the challenges of this center, with the center, with its technology designed in Europe over five years.

The head of the state has made this visit within the inauguration structure Mobile World Congress (MWC), Barcelona Supercomputes Center or National Supercomputes Center (BSC-CNS), with Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Diana morantTo learn about the facilities of this center in the service of the international scientific community and industry, which requires computing services.

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The center, which was established 20 years ago and is currently 1,200 workersOut of which more than 300 work Moral artificial intelligenceSupercomputes for national and international researchers for projects in areas ranging from medical to engineering or computational social science offers infrastructure.

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The king has visited the great room in which Marenostrum5 supermererOne of the most powerful in the world, which represents the largest investment made so far in a scientific infrastructure in Spain by Europe, with a cost of 200 million euros.

Center Director, Meto VelroWhich coordinates Spanish supercompute networkHe explained to the king how the BSc, Consortium, Generalitte and Polytechnica University formed by the government is an example of a meeting point between Catalonia, coordination and adminals, which is very proud.

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He has also shifted that the European Commission and the European Union Super Kansortium announced that This center will host one of the seven European AI factoriesWhich will make Spain a subscription to the region. An old chapel hosted the first Spanish quantum computer developed with 100% European technology, which feels the foundation for hybrid computing, which combines traditional and quantum, where the king has followed the clarification of the project.

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The challenge is to ensure that this European technology is one that integrates everyone Marenostrum6Which will be the present one in five years. The king is interested in the possibility of increasing this cooperation in the investigation of Ebero -Merican countries and is capable of exchanging raids with some of the youngest researchers in this center.



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