Home MOBILE iOS 18.4: Apple optimize photo app

iOS 18.4: Apple optimize photo app


As part of the current beta test of iOS 18.4, Apple has again made changes to its popular photo app. It was very modified as part of iOS 18, which not all users liked (tips on updates). The new features should also end in the final version of iOS 18.4, which is expected by April.


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Craums on apple trimmed options in this way. In the future, it will be possible in the album view to search for change date, which is particularly useful if you resume images more often. In addition, visual names were modified, which should make it more understandable (initially in English).

With filter you can now find photos and videos directly through the reference menu Shared with user became. You can also choose photos that are not yet in an album – very practical if you want to clean your photo collection. In addition, you can only display albums or folders through the menu.

Apple also deteriorated on data security or privacy. So now you can have albums with recently seen photos and videos – hide by default – not just hidden albums.

Apple has also made a improvement when removing and restoring images. Instead of individually sorting pictures and videos, there is a new “delete all” button. Conversely, you can restore all the shots in the garbage with just one push of a button. It is surprising that the facility is now only available.

Overall, new tasks suggest that the Apple continues to screw on the photo app and is ready to improve it. Initially, the new surface was largely criticized, because at least at the first glance, it varies from the older and quite short “straight forward”. It remains to be seen whether Apple is still screwing on other photo functions- iOS 18.5 is probably planned for May.


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