Home DEVELOPER Hidden in “Time Bomb” code: Developer condemned

Hidden in “Time Bomb” code: Developer condemned


When American programmer Davis L feared his termination, he imposed a malicious routine in his employer’s IT system. As soon as its user account is closed in the active directory, malicious code must be activated. It came as fear. Now L is convicted.


The VURES of the US Federal District Court for North Ohio deliberately damaged protected computers. Found guilty. Jail is up to ten years old. The presiding judge will determine the specific punishment at the later date. The defendant is fundamentally accepted for facts, but does not blame himself in the sense of prosecution. He has announced an appeal against the guilty decision.

l. Has worked for an international group located in Ohio and Ireland since November 2007, with assistant companies in Germany. In 2018, the man was degraded during a reorganization. Then he started sabotage of the employer.

According to the prosecution (1: 21-CR-00226), they installed endless program loops, which made the Java virtual machines unusable and impossible users to reach the server. He also said that he has removed profile files from colleagues.

In addition, the time was the bomb: it included a routine IsDLEnabledinAD (Davis L. is active in the active director). He checked whether L was still active. As soon as it was not active, the access of all other users should be blocked. In fact, employer L ended in September 2019 and set his account in an active directory. As a result, the “code bomb” exploded, thousands of users in many countries could not continue working. This caused a lot of damage to the employer.

loud Notification of the Ministry of US Justice The criminal also treated in another way. When the employer requested the return of the operating laptop, the man is said to have removed the data on it. The course of web discovery has stated that the programmer has discovered ways to expand software processes and reject their access rights as soon as possible.




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