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Web Tips: Moving Pop Culture | heise online




Are you a cinephile, gamer or simply interested in pop culture? Then it’s better to do nothing for the next few hours! The 796th floor of a giant space station is home to hundreds of major characters who must guess. floor796 It features rooms that feature romantic animated scenes. For example, Boney M is dancing in a corner, Aliens are causing a ruckus a few rooms away, while Star Wars’ Jabba the Hutt is hanging out in the corner. A mouse click on the figure reveals who or what it is. References are often attached, such as pictures or film clips.

Belarusian developer “0x00” has created this amazing, giant, zoomable hidden object picture, and he’s been making it for years. “The goal of the project is to create as large an animation as possible, incorporating as many references to films, games, anime, and memes as possible,” he writes on the site. 0x00 created all the animations in a self-developed editor. They’ve linked to this and exemplary screen videos of the creative process on the site. Floor 796 now has a large fan base that regularly checks the constantly updated changelog to see what new characters 0x00 has added.

You can find more web tips on our website.

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