Home DEVELOPER Up to 80 percent more: Docker raises prices

Up to 80 percent more: Docker raises prices


Docker’s offerings Docker Personal, Docker Pro, Docker Team, and Docker Business from November 15, 2024 will not only offer a greater range of functions but also enable easier access to all of the company’s services, as Docker has now announced in a blog post. The stated goal is to be able to offer more comprehensive and flexible support to developers along the software supply chain. However, the changes come with an increase in subscription prices.


With the revised proposals, Docker wants to create more clarity regarding the consumption limits of individual services on the one hand, and on the other hand, customers in all tariffs should get easy access to the various services they need individually – this applies to Docker Desktop, Docker Hub, Docker Build Cloud, Docker Scout and TestContainers Cloud. The Team and Business tariffs will offer unlimited vulnerability analysis in Docker Scout in the future. In addition, Docker Build Cloud minutes and repos analyzed by Docker Scout should be included in all tariffs.

In the future, the company intends to limit image pulls and storage space on Docker Hub based on consumption. However, this only impacts larger customers; most Docker Team and Docker Business customers with service accounts will benefit from higher image pull limits, as the fees previously charged for this will no longer apply.

As a result of the adjustment from November 15, prices in individual tariff offers will increase, in some cases substantially. While Docker Personal will remain free and Docker Business prices remain unchanged, Docker Pro and Docker Team users will have to prepare for higher fees. The price of a Docker Pro subscription increases from $5 to $9 per month. In the Docker Team plan, the company is raising the price from $9 to $15 per user per month. Docker provides information on the new pricing and details of the services included in the individual tariff tiers Comprehensive overview Ready.

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Judge in November 2024 IX And dpunkt.verlag CLC Conference – Persistent Lifecycle/ContainerConf – at the Congress Center Rosengarten in Mannheim. Every year since 2014, the event has addressed the most important questions related to Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), Dev(sec)Ops and GitOps to provide answers, information and support for everyday project life. This time, from November 12 to 14, the CLC will focus on AI-supported DevOps, security and FinOps as well as sustainability.

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Anyone interested can register until September 23 for the early bird price of 1,049 euros registerThe workshops cost 649 euros (all prices plus VAT).

This provides a rough overview of the expected changes Blog post by Giri Srinivas, Chief Product Officer, Docker. The announcement also includes an FAQ list that provides some answers to important questions – such as specific innovations in individual tariffs.


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