Home DEVELOPER State of Reacts 2024: Tanstack Query is now more popular than next.JS

State of Reacts 2024: Tanstack Query is now more popular than next.JS


The results of the “State of React” survey have been available from autumn 2024. Mass Devographics, which is also behind the survey “State of JavaScript”, held it for the second time and received answers from around 7900 react developers worldwide. A similar picture of survey since 2023, including associated difficulties with their most commonly used APIs and hooks, but the current version response 19 may have a positive effect on the developer experience. Meanwhile, Tanstack is working on a full stack structure which Next.JS. Can compete with.


As in the last year forwardRef And memo The most common response should be replaced with the biggest “pain points”-which response 19 between APIs. This version was published in December 2024 – after conducting the survey – and the difficulties should be cured: forwardRef It is no longer necessary in the new release and Now considered to be Padavanat (old)It is exciting what conclusions will come in the next version of the study.

State of Reacts 2024: These general react APIs are preparing the biggest difficulties.

(Image: Devographics)

Between the new APIs, which have been viewed differently, the react server component is once again the first place in the unpopular scale, however, however, four percent lower than the previous year.

The toughest hook useEffect As is 1 place in the last year. These are in front of the hook, second in the unpacumes useCallback And useMemo,

When asked about the use of all reaction features, the study participants use the most frequently useState, useEffect, , useRef And useContext – They have already used more than 90 percent useState Even 99 percent.

The respondents were also able to present a positive, neutral or negative evaluation for each of the features used and an alternatively a comment was added. Get with 56 percent The most positive encouragement, follow it useState With 50 percent and createContext With 49 percent. Above createContext Apart from this, three percent of the people who have heard of it, but have not used it yet have expressed their positive opinions.

However, react developers agree. To For example, a developer notes that it is easy to use, but should not be necessary (“it is easy to use, but it should not be necessary”), while another person always has a magnificent syntax form as a magnificent syntax. Has felt in (this is always felt like unnecessary syntax, I have always thought if it can go away “). In turn, other people are excited about it – one of the positive comments is “love this!”.

Trend Database: More Open Source, Low Cloud and Low AI

Between the react library and the framework, the source-open is the state management tools Tanestac querry And Situation Powed forward on the scale of popularity: You first in third place vertel react-framework next. The latter survey causes true storms of enthusiasm among the developers, which stand many times as “best” in comments – or once as “my cute”. There are also highly excitement comments in condition, but only second place is obtained if 13 percent of interested parties are included which have not yet used it.

With this question, the survey team has some items like useState And fetch Put as a reference point, although it is not a library, as the graphic shows:

State of Reacts 2024: Tanestac Quare and conditions have overtaken the next .JS regarding positive reviews.

State of Reacts 2024: Tanestac Quare and conditions have overtaken the next .JS regarding positive reviews.

(Image: Devographics)

The Create React App is the most commonly used structure, but with 33.1 percent negative reviews, only redux is even more unpopular with 34.1 percent. Last year, however, the study makers reported that the React App Create App is officially considered old.

In addition to the main features of the react, for which there are some improvements in their belongings in the rect 19 and the effect may appear in the next study, throws devographics In the introduction of studies There is also a look at the tentac. Construction on the success of Tensac Querry, the development team is currently working on Tanestac Start, a potential next.JS Challenger. Fullstack Framework Tantec Starts, behind which is located at Tensac router, located Currently in beta phase,

All the results of the current “Reaction status“Can be found in the website. Interested parties can filter, for example, according to the frequency of use or positive or negative reviews. The comments can be seen by clicking on the speech bubble at the end of the respective line.

(Image: WD Ashari/Shutterstock.com)

ENTERJS 2025 Manhem takes on May 7 and 8 on 8th May. The conference provides a comprehensive approach to the JavaScript-based enterprise world. Meditation is not only on programming languages ​​on JavaScript and Typscript, but also on framework and tools, accessibility, practical reports, UI/UX and security.

Reaction highlights From the program:

Tickets are At the cost of the initial bird Available in online shop.


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