The European Union Commission gives up your effort to calm sponsorship disputes directed for future technologies like 5G. With its work schedule for the new legislative period, the Commission withdraws its proposed regulation in 2023 with Ursula von Der Leyen (CDU). Industrial representatives are frightened.
Especially in the mobile phone sector, a patent war has been approximately 5G with hard straps for many years, which has also been dropped in the motor vehicle industry. The Commission wanted to prevent many disputes arising with the licensing system for standard required patents (SEP).
Integration is not foresight
There was not an agreement with the European Union Parliament and the Council of Ministers, The commission justifies its moveShe now wanted to check whether she should bring another draft game or whether a completely new approach should be chosen.
Sep plays an important role, especially for mobile phone technologies, data formats such as JPEG and inter -uses of audio and video applications. The Commission wanted to fix the problems here that often occur when licensing rights for such technologies and leads to real patent wars.
The Commission wanted to set up a SEP register. In the case of major patents recorded in it, it will be investigated whether they are actually important for a standard. The Commission also wanted to introduce fixed fees rates and dispute settlement mechanisms.
Fair standard alliance is frightened
Fair Standards Alliance, among other things, represents corporations from the auto industry as well as Amazon, Apple and Google Now the commission’s kinking is disappointed: This unexpected step refutes the declared goals of the Commission to strengthen the competition of European industries.
By withdrawing SEP regulation, European companies “take a chance for appropriate access to important infrastructure such as 5G”, criticizing the fair standards coalition. In addition, strategic dependence in Europe will be deepened. The Commission “neglects claims of equal and transparent rules across Europe along with claims for legal and commercial security”.
But there were also a lot of headwinds for the draft: In 2023, audio and video coding (MP3 and VVC), Digital Radio, WLAN, Mobile Radio and DVB were collected against 15 co-decayers of global standards around the resolution. According to him, the initiative does not reflect “how the ecosystem of international standards works in any way”.
The European Patent Office also fled against the Commission’s plan, but had talked to improvement after a year.