Home DEVELOPER Software-architektur.tv: Why does agility fail? – Reactions

Software-architektur.tv: Why does agility fail? – Reactions


fast paced projects needed already a lecture And an episode in the stream of Eberhard Wolff’s videocast software-architecture.tv. He received many feedbacks and comments on the lecture in particular – opinions on the topic are clearly divided. In this episode, Eberhard Wolff discusses feedback and deepens the topic of agility and the failure of approaches with further perspectives.


Lisa Moritz makes sketchnotes for the recording. A live stream of the show is available here and on YouTube:

The broadcast will be live on Friday, June 21, 2024 from 1 pm to 2 pm, and the episode will be available as a recording later. During the live stream, questions can be asked via Twitch chat, YouTube chat. Blue Sky, mastodon, Slack Workspace or anonymously through Form on Videocast website Bring in.

Software-architektur.tv is a videocast by blogger and podcaster Eberhard Wolff at iX and the renowned software architect who works as Head of Architecture at SWAGLab. Since June 2020, more than 200 episodes have been created that shed light on various areas of software architecture – sometimes with guests, sometimes with Wolff solo. For two years now, iX (heise developer) has been integrating episodes streamed via YouTube into the online channel so that viewers can follow video casts from Heise media.

More information about the case can be found on the Videocast website,

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