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Social media: majority against the spread of fake news and the dangers of violence


Most people are against the spread of fake news and violent threats on social media, resulting in one. International Survey of Technical University of Munich and Oxford UniversityWhich was done in ten countries with more than 13,500 participants. However, there is no clear opinion internationally who should be responsible for a balanced online environment. Depending on the country, the value for personal questions, which is inherent in the survey, titled “Public Settings for Material Moderation and Freedom of Inauguration”, is a great variation based on the country.


In Germany, the respondents credited some responsibilities for a procedure against Huss speech (11 percent) and commitment to a balanced online environment (17 percent). There you see platforms and state operators as a duty and a better position. In Germany, however, the priority of freedom of expression (79 percent) is comparatively high and is likely to spread false information (51 percent).

Percentage of people from individual countries to ban violence.

(Image: Tu Munich UA (screenshot))

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The survey shows that 79 percent of the people in the survey feel that violent threats should be removed from social media. Asked whether the messages can be distributed, which the government considers wrong, only 44 percent of the surveyed replied yes. With the ban of abusive language, however, only 45 percent believed that this was the right way to regulate them.

Large gaps are striking between the results of individual countries. In France, 69 percent believes that the Huss speech can only be banned when it is regulated, but only 32 percent sees it in Sweden. There is also a major discrepancy on talking about fake news. In Greece, 59 percent of that users can post them, but only 31 percent of the participants in the survey from the United Kingdom have shared this evaluation.

The survey was conducted in six European countries and the United States, Brazil, South Africa and Australia. Around 1300 people were interviewed per country in Autumn 2024.

Diagram country against vulgar language

The percentage of people from individual countries who speak to spread false information, even if the government rejects it.

(Image: Tu Munich UA (screenshot))

Responsibles see the responsibility of a safe online environment. 35 percent see companies as a duty, 31 percent of the citizens themselves and 30 percent government. This becomes a little more clear when it comes to the best deployed group to take action against the laughing speech. Here 43 percent say that companies can do the best against it, 19 percent of citizens in the initial point and 25 percent of the government.

When the protection of freedom of expression and the weight caused by it, there is no visual agreement between the participating nations. For comparison, Sweden receives a value of 37.4 on a scale in which 0 protects the freedom of expression and means 100 security against loss that can cause it. South Africa reaches a value of 56.3.


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