The Irish Airline Ryanier is launching a paperless boarding card in this year’s winter season. From the beginning of November, passengers will be forced to digital boarding cards, for example with their app of Ryanyar. Downloading and printing are not necessary then. Earlier, it was reported that Ryanaire had planned the move for May this year, but now the airline has been hesitant for half a year.
Ryanyer not only wants to simplify the check-in process, but also saves more than 300 tonnes of paper waste in a year. This should be the target of this and other European airlines by 2050. About three years ago, Ryanyar announced that he wanted to fly for neutrality with biocroosene.
At the same time, check-in fees at the airport are eliminated. As yet Rayanier picks up Depending on the airport, 30 or 55 euros per passenger if passengers do not check digitally and do so only at the counter. In the future, passengers will be forced to conduct a digitally online check on the computer or in advance with the Ryanier app.
It should be introduced like a British magazine in May 2025 Travel weekly reportBut now there is a delay by 3 November, as Ryanyar now reports. However, the airline does not provide any information about the originally planned introductory date of the digital boarding card, but only confirms the shift.
Most passengers are already using the Ryanier app
after Information from airline About 80 percent of passengers already use the Ryanayer app, so that only a relatively small part of passengers uses on-paper boarding tickets. At the same time, the airline emphasizes the benefits of the app, as it informs passengers about flight information and updates for any change in terminal or gate. You can also order a direct drink or food for your seats.
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Dara Brady, the head of marketing from Ryanier, says, “By switching to 100 % paperless boarding cards from November 2025, we can provide our customers a better travel experience that is adapted to our lowly busy winter flight scheme through the Marinier app.” “It will be useful for passengers, especially in the event of disorders, because it transfers real-time updates directly from our operating center to the mobile phone of the passengers and provides alternative flight options as well as transfer or hotel housing if necessary.”