Home MOBILE New robotic lawn mowers blow leaves, guide themselves using sunlight and find...

New robotic lawn mowers blow leaves, guide themselves using sunlight and find their own way


More and more models of various robotic lawnmowers are navigating the lawn using satellite radio instead of a boundary wire. Because this limits pre-selection to a minimum, new robot manufacturers are trying to make a difference with additional talent. At the Spoga+Gafa gardening trade fair in Cologne, start-ups showed mowing equipment with original solutions to annoying application problems.


There, the Yarboe brand transformed the Y1 model into a mower, leaf blower or snowcat using a plug-in module, so that no separate equipment is required for such purposes. The satellite antenna of the Hygreen Gomo is powered by a solar panel, making it easy to choose a location with good reception. The auto-mapping of the RoboUP T1200 Pro saves you from having to make manual introduction rounds to the work area.

The Yarbo Y1 is a heavy-duty tracked machine with tool ports on all sides. In front you can mount either a mowing disc housing, a rotor for leaves or a blower for snow. Attach an edge cutter or trimmer to the sides for more precise edge work. A trailer module for liquid or granular fertilizer – or another vehicle – can be attached to the rear.

The main unit of the Yarbo Y1 has attachments for cutting grass, trimming lawn edges, blowing leaves and snow, as well as fertilizing.

(Image: Berti Kolbo-Lehrradt)

So that it can navigate without sensor cables, the Y1 includes satellite radio (Real Time Kinematic, RTK) and ultrasound. Stereo cameras built into the front module take note of obstacles. In a demo video, the team dodged a flat metal plate across a neatly manicured lawn. For such a huge device, the Y1 works very smoothly.

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The core unit alone weighs 64 kilograms. The weight of the modules is added. With the mowing module, the team measures 130 x 69 x 51 centimeters. The 38.4 Ah battery is said to be sufficient to mow 8,000 square meters per day, and a built-in heater is said to keep the technology operational at temperatures down to -30 degrees Celsius. The robot can be set up without specialists using an app, trained in its work area and controlled via 4G, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The mower combination is regularly priced at 7,200 euros, which has been reduced to 4,770 euros at market launch and can now be ordered on the English-language manufacturer’s website. Other front modules are sometimes available for less than 1000 euros, sometimes for more than 1000 euros, and side modules are available for around 500 euros.

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When looking for a stable satellite signal, the RTK antenna of the Hygreen Gomo can be positioned very flexibly. A solar panel attached to its mast with an integrated battery supplies it with power even when it is far from a socket. This type of energy supply is rare and usually optional, and is part of the scope of delivery of the Gomo. However, the charging station of the robotic lawnmower is traditionally wired.

The Hygreen Gomo’s GPS antenna is powered by the included solar panel, so you can install it where it receives the best signal.

(Image: Berti Kolbo-Lehrradt)

Otherwise, Gomo offers something familiar in this product category. While an RTK antenna guides it through the room, a camera with image pattern recognition is supposed to avoid obstacles. At least at the trade fair it worked perfectly with stuffed elephants and rabbits. The 8 Ah battery provides a runtime of three hours and then charges for the same amount of time. The bot mows up to 180 square meters per hour. The robotic lawnmower can be pre-ordered from July on the manufacturer’s website at a price of 1,300 euros. Hygreen wants to deliver it in September.

Showing the robotic lawnmower the boundaries of the lawn using the joystick buttons is a test of patience when dealing with large areas. Ideally, there is no need for a guided exploration tour with the RoboUP T1200 Pro. It autonomously recognizes clearly defined mowing areas using ultrasound. If the boundaries are more confusing, manual mapping remains an option. Only a few manufacturers offer auto-mapping, and almost none offer freedom of choice.

The RoboUP T1200 Pro learns lawn boundaries on its own without human assistance, as long as they are clearly visible.

(Image: Berti Kolbo-Lehrradt)

RoboUP equipped the robotic lawnmower Premier with it last year. The start-up’s current flagship device is said to have a better RTK signal. In addition to the receiving unit of the charging station, the manufacturer also offers an external stand-up antenna. In shady dead spots, new and old mowers maintain orientation using an acceleration sensor, the number of wheel rotations and a camera. The latter is also intended to detect obstacles before they collide with the mower. Its obvious purpose is to protect small animals.

You can use the app to send the mower on a tour via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. The model, designed for a 1200 square meter work area, is available in stores for 1800 euros. Due to the short running time of one hour, charging breaks must be taken into account for larger areas. A variant with a smaller battery for a 600 square meter area with the wonderful name T600 is available for 1,300 euros.


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