Europeol examined the use of technologies in law enforcement and prepared a “method for moral decisions”. The objective of the project is to provide a structured approach to the benefits of the system for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big-Deta analysis, according to the results published on Friday and especially according to their own employees. Among other things, writers identify moral concerns and weigh the benefits of risk and relevant technical solutions. This is to ensure that the & Company’s application is “valid and proportional”. However, there is already criticism that the powers of Europe especially go far in large amounts of data.
Solid Check authors in the first case Procedure for analysis of recording from monitoring cameras. In doing so, they improve data security of potential improvement in public safety. Conclusions: The methods of such evaluation must be introduced only after “a public participation” for “for defined applications and with the approval of a manager. Bet: “The public greatly supports technology”.
There is also an AI risk evaluation for cases with gender-specific violence. The attention is on one side with the requirement of forecasting equipment -on obtaining a balance between fairness, accountability and transparency on the other side. The idea of these values usually moves through the report as a thread. Summary here: “The best solution is a proper growth with comprehensive tests and uses simultaneous use with the current system and the transparent integration of the public.”
Data scraping on the web is not good
Researchers have also investigated the implementation of chatbott to prevent children’s sexual abuse on the Internet. Above all, he took into account “active intervention and a compensation between data protection rights”. Results: A limited version of such AI system is acceptable with an older age limit among negotiators.
Experts also focus on reading data from the web on a large scale (data scraping). Your result here is clear: Since automatic investigation regularly violates the terms of the use of website operators and platforms, “it is not acceptable to scrap open source data”.
In addition, European officials discuss the moral and legal concerns of automated online investigations. Here you suggest a middle ground between “everything permission and prohibited”. Depending on specific techniques, various protective measures are required. In automatic analysis of large and complex data records, creeping functional expansion will have to reduce the risks and guarantee “responsible” use of equipment.
According to Europeol, case studies should not provide “final decision” about the “correct” or “incorrect” use of a technology. Instead, it is about enabling law enforcing officers to “use relevant methods in various contexts”.
Monitoring powers are heavy controversial
The police office looks as a “living document”, which is regularly updated with new applications and moral ideas. By promoting a structured moral structure, the authority typically “wants to strengthen public confidence in the use of technology by law enforcement officers”. Innovation in police work should be “in line with social values and legal guarantee,” emphasizes Europeol.
Thanks to the regulation of 2022, Europeol can also evaluate large -scale data. National Law Enforcement agencies like Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) or French National Police have been supplying extensive data for years. The office sitting in the Hague also helped reduce the Encrypated Communication Service Sky ECC in Belgium, France and Netherlands. Former European Union’s Data Protection Officer Wojciech Wiewiórrowski saw basic and control rights in Europeol’s large data powers. He has been quarreling with the authority for years.
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current #Protectnoturveil break the allianceWhich is now listed by European Digital Rights (EDRI) and Consulion Justice for reaching civil rights organizations that a planned renewed improvement of the European ordinance of migrants will “interpret the digital war”. With the draft of the European Union Commission, the office will be commissioned to fulfill the fight against smuggling of shelter seekers and will be equipped with large monitoring powers and quite large budgets. The coalition “sees a systematically wrong offer that cannot be corrected”. The European Union Parliament should reject it.