Home NETWORK POLITICS Most cases decide against Facebook

Most cases decide against Facebook



The new appeal center Europe (ACE), which has worked in the European Union since November 2024, as part of the Digital Services Act (DSA), as the arbitration board in controversy on social network content, is taking the first balance of its previous work. The Complaint Center received more than 1500 complaints from the European Union citizens about the decisions from Facebook, Tikok and YouTube during the first three months from the European Union citizens and made one of them a good 150.

In more than half of these mediation on the content on Facebook -77 out of 141, ACE experts have stood on the basic decision to maintain or remove contributions by the user and the group mother meta platforms. Last week, the Center claimed to talk about the first arbitration on the content on Tikok. The first decision on YouTube will soon follow.

According to DSA, decisions of extraordinary arbitration boards such as ACE are not binding. However, platform operators have to start “in good faith” and deal with “good trust” with results. “Meta has already started implementing our decisions and we will publish more information in our first transparency report, which will be published in the middle of the year”, warm from ACE.

The arbitration board currently belongs to input only on Facebook, Tikkock and YouTube. Comprehensive services such as X, Mastodon or Bluuski are initially abandoned. So far, 76 percent of all complaints are related to Facebook, 21 percent Tikok and 3 percent to YouTube. He included materials in 47 languages ​​and came from the kingdom of every European Union. Most submissions came from Italy, followed by France and Germany.

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In terms of materials, it was mainly about the possible violations of nudity adults and platform rules for pornography. This was followed by bullying and harassment as well as ban on goods and services. In the latter, for example, it was controversial whether and how users could mention articles such as drugs and alcohol.

So far, ACE has received 230 symptoms from Germany. The three most important areas were nude representatives (24 percent), limited goods and services (15 percent) and the laughing speech were with ten percent. In general, the quota of arbitration in which the ace meta did not go with the platform line, some of these categories had more than 50 percent. The examinees raised 67 percent of the cases of Facebook’s 67 percent cases in relation to banned goods and services and 59 percent of the decisions on adults and sexual activities of adults on the stage.

The Complaint Center is not yet satisfied with the previous reactions of three social networks. The number of entries speaks for the “real interest” of members for the decisions of platforms. However, these are still “a long way to make users accessible to an out -off -project dispute resolution, as the law determines”.

Ace boss Thomas Hughes states, to be able to fast decisions and to help more members, operators must comment “quickly and originally”. In addition, the DSA had created a new authority for the people to combat the decisions of platforms, but they claimed that “the best secret of Europe”. The path for extraordinary dispute solutions should be “easily accessible, clear and user -dosti”. Facebook & Co is to provide your website and in its decisions on it and in your decisions European Union Commission portal for intermediary centers Add. The company is also located in Germany user rights The registered which is certified by the federal network agency.

Ace should mainly finance itself through fees that will be challaned for the social media company (95 Euro). The complaint center has not yet asked users to checkout. If the arbitration board decides for the platform, the users will join the cost of five euros in the future. The social media operator will then have to pay 90 euros. The Facebook oversite board has handled the start -up financing for Ace. It is a self -consistent feature Metas managed by Hughes for some time.


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