The new Polish EU Council Presidency wants to break the gordian knot on the draft of the European Union Commission for a recipe for large -scale online monitoring under the hanger of the fight against sexual child misconduct. The proposal of a lens by the ministerial bedium provides that the orders of the competition are particularly removed for electronic communication.
With this form of chat control, the Commission wanted to operate the providers with encrypted messaging and other communication services such as WhatsApp, Apple to find the misconduct photos and videos in the news of its users. The European Union Parliament refused the most. This wants to allow such orders as an ultima ratio. Services with end-to-end-encrypted communication should be abandoned. The previous Hungarian Presidency did not go far away, causing a permanent blockade of law on Germany’s veto, among other things.
Poland beats With her design Now after sexual abuse, the current pretends to convert the transitional system into a permanent permission in voluntary scanning. The European Union Legislature approved this option by exceptionally adopted exception to the e-proves directive in 2021. With extraordinary mood, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and other service providers can discover private messages in the European Union on a legal basis. The European Union Parliament extended the same section by the end of 2025 last year.
Data Protection Officers warned of nationwide monitoring
The Commission assessed this “voluntary chat control” as a success, even if it has no meaningful data. Former-judge Ninon Kolenarric also considers this approach to the European Union law incompatible with the European Union law in the European Court of Justice. The fundamental rights of citizens will be violated on the honor of privacy, data protection and freedom of expression. Former federal data protection officer Ulrich Kelbar also rapidly criticized voluntary scanning. The “comprehensive and topical monitoring” of digital communication channels made it possible “he described as” neither expedient nor necessary “.
The chairmanship wants to get the European Union Center employed to fight against the representation of misconduct. However, it should be aimed at constant prevention, now not to highlight such materials. There was also a controversial option for web barriers and compulsion to verify age, for example through hosting and cloud services, email providers or app store operators. Critics fears that it should reduce oblivion on the net.