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Messages app: This is how RCS works – but it’s not encrypted yet


Finally, many observers would no longer believe it: after years of pleading and lobbying by Google, Apple has now introduced support for the Rich Communication Services (RCS) protocol for the iPhone for the first time with iOS 18. The support for the SMS successor is well implemented, but not yet completely perfect – but that’s not just the manufacturer’s fault.


The first thing you need to do, if you haven’t done so already, Activate RCS first: This is possible through Settings, Apps, Messages and RCS messages with a simple switch. RCS messages are not blue like iMessage messages, but only green like SMS before. A wide range of new options for protocols are supported.

This includes the transmission of audio messages, reading confirmation in high resolution, images and videos, a display when typing a communication partner, emoji reactions and the possibility of sending RCS messages directly via the Internet/WLAN. Group chat is also possible, in which you can add and remove users – you can even give your group a name.

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Not every Android user has RCS – sometimes the function is not activated or there are problems with the network operator. However, in theory, support is more likely to be available since major cell phone manufacturers such as Samsung have been participating for years. It may be the case that you have to reactivate RCS first when roaming – but in some regions of the world it is not supported at all.

Ultimately, there are minor issues with RCS. You can’t reply to sent media with emojis and you can’t send direct messages in group chats. However, the security issue is even more important: end-to-end encryption like iMessage or Signal doesn’t currently exist; at least network operators on whose servers the communication runs could look into RCS (as they already do in SMS). According to the GSM Association, end-to-end encryption is a first “The next milestone”. “This will (then) be the first deployment of standardized, interoperable message encryption between different computing platforms, solving important technical challenges such as key association and cryptographically enforced group membership.” How long the implementation will take is unknown.


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