Home MOBILE macOS 15: Apple is implementing the long-standing desire for shortcuts for the...

macOS 15: Apple is implementing the long-standing desire for shortcuts for the context menu


When macOS 15 aka Sequoia is released in the autumn, Apple will probably also provide a very simple but extremely practical accessibility feature: a keyboard shortcut to call up the context menu. It’s quite surprising how long it took the Mac manufacturer to implement this user request.


The new feature was spotted by developer Nathan Manceaux-Panot, who discovered it over the weekend On Mastodon has spread. Apple previously officially announced this function at a developer seminar. The implementation is very simple: you just have to press the Control key together with the Enter key (⌃⏎). Then the context menu opens for the current selection, as if you were using the right mouse button Two-finger trackpad shortcuts Operated.

Previously, you could only trigger context menus with keyboard tricks – for example, using an automation tool like Keyboard Maestro. However, you had to make do with mouse emulation, which didn’t always work as expected. A system-wide shortcut, as now provided in macOS 15, is significantly more useful.

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The only people who won’t be happy with this function are those who like to type a lot and click a little. People who rely on Apple’s accessibility features because they can’t use trackpads and/or mice or have difficulty using them have also waited a long time for a change. The integration of keyboard shortcuts makes it easy to integrate it into other automations.

Developer Michael Tsai, known for tools like SpamSieve and EagleFiler, commented that he is happy to see the new feature, “since I often make selections from the keyboard and don’t want my fingers to have to leave it.” There are already a few apps that have their own shortcuts for context menus – BBEdit for example – but a system-wide implementation is certainly more practical. You have to be careful if the Control plus input is already busy with other tasks. Then you may have to reassign the shortcut.


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