Pictures of this week are currently made by Montage, from internal disturbance to a sickle moon, the boundary in condensed strips, and landscape and animal photography are not ignored.
(Image: Carl-Peter Herbolzimer’s)
Bright orange stomach Kingfisher His blue is an impressive contrast to the back. With a raised head he sees the sun while resting on a branch. On the recording of Carl-Peter Herbolzheimer, the fine patterns of his feather dress are clearly visible.
Shake head
Shake head
(Image: Dermaus)
In this picture, photographer Dermius artically phased out himself. In his individual creative room, he fights with tinnitus and one -maximum numbness. To present internal disturbance, he placed a white fog on his face. It seems that he is shaking his head – “Shake head,
Giza 5 Pyramid
Giza 5 Pyramid
(Image: Dise.fotography)
Golden Light Dives in the series “Giza 5 Pyramid“From Dise.Fotography in an attractive environment. Sand -colored monuments and deep blue sky enhances the impressive appearance of these ancient construction miracles.
(Image: Uschi Harman)
A group of four rows Morning top of the lake. Their sharp silhouettes are clearly standing out of the landscape, with gently reflected in the water. The recording of Uschi Harman is a vigilant calm and captures the special atmosphere of the moment.
(Image: Kosh_Hh)
BreededenThe highest mountain in Senja, Norway, rises as an expert in the scenario, while bright green lights dance over it and turn the sky into a magical light spectacle. The fjord is in the foreground of the scenes and scoring the impressive nature of nature. Kosh_Hh caught this attractive natural spectacle of Norway.
Flight studies
Flight studies
(Image: Lightp)
Two sparrows are looking for food eagerly. The photographer staged her wing movements dynamically. Recording shows your flight behavior and thanks to the blurred background, directing the view of birds. Lightp keeps this moment in its recording Flight studies Firmly.
(Image: KPK)
The KPK combines two shots along the same focal length and thus creates an attractive creation. He frames the glowing semicircular moon with cover strips of the aircraft (“Moonplane”) Artistic and takes them to the center of the picture.
You can find all the photos of this week again in observation:
Picture 1 From 7
OM-1 Digital Solve | 560 mm | ISO 400 | F/9.0 | 1/500s (Figure:
Carl-Peter Herbolzheimmer