Big tech companies are spending at unprecedented rates to dominate the IT market. artificial intelligence ,ayeGiants like in 2024 Amazon, Microsoft, Google And Target A total of $218 billion has been invested in data centersspine of a technology Which they see as a bet for the future. There’s one unexpected beneficiary from that frenetic business race: florentino perez,
aye It requires huge amounts of data, software to process it, and energy to support all those calculations, but it also requires real estate That house, that machinery. This is where Spanish Tycoon comes into play. Perez is not only the president real Madridbut also of ACSanother company Construction According to the annual ranking of the specialized magazine ENR, it is the largest international business in the world. Although it also participates in sectors such as telecommunications or energy, the group’s main business lies here madrid There is a concession and Construction Of infrastructure.
Strategy: Data Center
The commercial fever for AI peaked with the launch two years ago chatgptIt has also fueled global demand for data centres, leading to a boom in the construction market. It was valued at $212.6 billion in 2023 and, according to a Recent study by Allied Market ResearchIt may reach 416.4 billion in 2032.
Aware of this attractive business opportunity, the group also led Juan SantamariaIts CEO has been committed for months to strengthening its position as a contractor and investor in these assets. In 2025, ACS will introduce its new strategy, which includes creating a division of AI-related data centers and infrastructure. 5g And build plants of up to 5,000 MW, which would mean raising about Rs 60,000 million.
benefit to millionaires
The commitment to the tech sector, greatly accelerated by the advent of AI, is already bearing fruit. During the first six months of 2024, ACS received A advantage Total 416 million eurosAn increase of 8.1%. The company accumulates billions of dollars in projects to be executed about 50% of award Nearly 11,901 million euros worth – registered in the first half of the year – came from the creation of digital infrastructure.
Over the last 12 months, ACS has gained 18.61% in market share. This revaluation has increased by 800 million euros Luck Florentino’s, which owns just over 13% actionBusinessman has moved from 17th to 11th position List of richest people in Spain Prepared by Forbes.
Strategy broadcast from America
that improvement of benefits The main reason for this is the good work of its subsidiary company. turnerbest contractor usa According to ENR, for the fourth year in a row. The company has been selected by Targethuge of social network he is the boss Facebook, Instagram one of the two WhatsAppTo create its largest data center campus in the world, a huge technical complex with a surface area of 370,000 square meters that will entail an investment of around 9.5 billion euros.
Contracts for the construction of other data centers have also been awarded this year, with a total contract volume of more than $3.6 billion. ACS’s US subsidiary is working for other ‘Big Tech’ companies List of most valuable companies in the world such as Microsoft, Amazon or alphabetGoogle metrics and youtube,
global deployment
Although Turner is its leader, ACS’s operations are global. In 2024, its subsidiaries are tasked with building “several” data centers in the US, four in Poland, one in India and another in Indonesia. Currently, it is already deploying others in markets such as Spain – also for Meta –, Australia, Hong Kong, Chile and the Philippines and has ground positions on four of the five continents. Additionally, its Asian subsidiary, Leighton Asia, bought In early December, Malaysian consulting company Maverick United Consulting Engineers, which has data center projects.
landing in europe
ACS’ strategy now includes the implementation of Turner in Europe, where there are opportunities for works According to his own calculations, they will amount to 50,000 million euros over the next five years for the technology sector. Pérez wants his subsidiary to accelerate the landing of American technology giants in the Old Continent in order to continue working with them. That’s why the group acquired Irish electromechanical engineering firm Dornan Engineering in July, worth £400 million, which has just closed, and which The task of building data centers has been entrusted to In the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. In global calculations, ACS estimates that the portfolio of business opportunities between now and 2029 is worth around EUR 300,000 million.
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