Home ENTERTAINMENT Drones: Police investigate after illegal use

Drones: Police investigate after illegal use


Unauthorized drone flights repeatedly call the police into action – as is now the case in Offenbach and Neu-Isenburg. In addition to the short-term search, air traffic was restricted at Frankfurt Airport due to two drone sightings on Monday, police said. The pilots of a passenger plane noticed an orange drone in the sky over Offenbach while approaching Frankfurt Airport in the morning and reported it to the tower. Police patrols have now found no one in the area.


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Another report of a drone sighting was received in the evening – in this case, the cockpit crew of another aircraft had spotted a yellow drone over the Neu-Isenburg district of Gravenbruch, which led to another search operation. In this case, too, the police were unable to determine who was piloting the flying object. Although no aircraft were affected in either case, air traffic was restricted for a while.

The police are investigating suspicions of an attempted dangerous interference with air traffic and are looking for witnesses. Anyone who can provide information about the drone operators concerned is asked to contact the police in Offenbach. In general, the police pointed out, the ascent of drones is only permitted under certain conditions. “There are clear rules for safety in the airspace – including for drones,” a spokesman explained.

Drones can only be flown within visual range and can only be controlled from a minimum age of 16. There is also a general ban on flights in certain areas, such as around airports or over hospitals, residential properties, military installations, crowds of people or police and rescue service locations. Violations can result in a prison sentence of up to ten years.


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