Disney+ and Waipu.tv at 9 euros per month – since 15 October 2024 This deal is available for a limited time. We show here what’s included.
Disney+, Netflix & Co. are getting more and more expensive. Here it is worth paying attention to discount offers. The German TV streaming provider Waipu.tv in particular is almost relentless. It bundles its TV offerings with Netflix, Wow, Disney+ or Dazn several times a year. Now again there is something new.
Disney+ and Waipu.tv for 9 euros
Waipu.tv offers it for 12 months Perfect Plus Package Involved Disney+ Standard (with ads) For 9.00 euros per month – This is a 50 percent discount compared to the regular price of 17.99 euros.
Perfect Plus Package Includes 280 tv channels (270 in HD), 72 pay TV channels, 30,000 movies and series on demand and 100 hours of recording storage. Disney+ offers blockbusters like Avatar, Encanto And guardians of the galaxyAs well as hit series like The Simpsons and Grey’s Anatomy.
In our opinion, Disney+ is tolerable with ads. Advertisements often last only a few seconds and occur at the beginning of a film or series. We often see Disney’s own advertising, which actually adds a bit of charm to the whole thing.
If you are also looking for cheap TV streaming then this offer is right for you. If you don’t need streaming TV, it’s cheaper if you only have Disney+ (with ads). for 6 euros per month Connected.
Offer valid for few days only
Proposal Till then 31 October 2024 Available. Price will increase after 12 months 17.99 euros Per month if you don’t cancel in advance.