Home NETWORK POLITICS Digital minister sees major progress in 5G and fiber optic expansion

Digital minister sees major progress in 5G and fiber optic expansion


Broadband expansion in Germany is clearly progressing rapidly to provide a comprehensive offering with fiber optic connections and 5G mobile communications. According to the progress report of the Ministry of Digital and Transport, one year before the end of the current legislative period, 87 percent of the 100 planned measures to implement the “Gigabit Strategy” have been successfully initiated or completed.


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The traffic light coalition decided on its “gigabit strategy” in the summer of 2022, according to which there should be fast fiber optic Internet and 5G networks everywhere in Germany by 2030. In an initial milestone, half of all households should be able to book a fiber optic connection by 2025.

By progress report (PDF) It now says: Every third home already has a fiber optic connection; The EU Commission has hailed Germany’s accelerated fiber optic expansion as “fantastic”. Digital Minister Volker Vissing (FDP) said the interim target of providing every second household with a fiber optic connection by the end of 2025 “will probably be achieved”. Germany is already one of the European leaders in the expansion of fast 5G mobile networks.

However, the interim report also shows several shortcomings in broadband expansion in Germany. Many homes are not connected to existing fiber optic connections. This is partly because citizens do not recognize the added value of fiber optics, as the existing infrastructure with copper telephone lines (DSL) or traditional television cables appears to be sufficient for many online applications. The government wants to counter this soon through an image campaign.

The report said supplies on the tracks are now good. The network expansion of the three established mobile network operators has now reached a coverage level of 99 per cent on heavy passenger rail routes. More than 100 Mbps is available per train in the downlink on the track. Beyond supply requirements, Deutsche Bahn has agreed contracts with Deutsche Telekom and Vodafone on further improvements until 2026.

The report also mentions cell phone-permeable window panes, which are now being equipped with new trains or retrofitted to existing trains. So the latest generation of ICE no longer has repeaters on board to prevent heavy signal loss caused by metal-coated windows.

In many railway tunnels, mobile phone coverage is still inadequate. About two thirds of the tunnel systems are equipped with mobile phone technology. 5G expansion in main train stations is also progressing slowly.

Another challenge is to replace the previous GSM-R rail radio system with the new 5G-based rail radio system FRMCS (Future Rail Mobile Communications System). During the nationwide general renewal of the rail network, a close-meshed network of new radio masts will be built for the FRMCS.

The digital ministry is also not satisfied with the limited use of alternative methods when laying fiber optic cables: the report said alternative methods such as trenching have not yet been widely used. In this process, narrow trenches and slots are created in the asphalt using milling techniques. These methods, which do not involve burying cables so deeply, can speed up expansion and reduce impacts such as road closures.

Vissing announced that the broadband expansion approach will be complemented by 35 other measures to further accelerate network expansion. In addition to the image campaign, it also includes a “Mobile Communications Measurement Week” to better represent the user perspective.

The digital ministry also wants to address an issue that is viewed differently in the telecom industry. Together with the Federal Network Agency, a concept for migrating from copper to fiber optic networks will be developed with industry participation. The question is when and how old copper cables should be retired to clear the way for fiber optics. In particular, Deutsche Telekom is defending itself against the premature closure of its DSL lines.


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