Infrastructure Automation Tools Puppet and Foreman have disturbed their respective community with changes in licenses or sales models and thus strengthening the trend towards thorns. It was shown at an annual meeting of communities for configuration management software configmgmgmgmgmgmgmgMtcamp in Gent in Belgium in early February.
Puppet makers fight for popularity
The Openvox community discussed open questions at this year’s Configmgmgmt Camp, which was opened since the license change declared by the puppet owner Perforce. Openvox is that Puppet open source forkPerforce captured Puppet 2022 and announced in late 2024 To change the distribution of puppet packages significantlyFrom the beginning of 2025, the puppet development team will send all new binary files and packages to a private, safe and controlled place. According to the terms of a final user license agreement (Eula), community actors have free access to this private repository for development purposes.
It was rejected in the community. Despite the tendency to switch to the more accessible answer for configuration management, the puppet is still in use and the community is accordingly large – and the fork was quickly fixed. As a result, perforation in the configuration tried to fight for its popularity. In the puppet workshop, there was no talk of many representatives of the puppet product since 2017.
There is also a connection or change of the sales model in the form of a terraform. As the code as the most popular representative to infrastructure, the tool has played an important role in the long -term configuration, but has been replaced by Opentofu this year. The Terraform Opentofu Fork was about 18 months ago and the Opentofu version 1.10 would appear soon. In the plane lecture and sessions dialogue, the configurations of the configurations looked back on development and talked about what extent the two products have now deviated. The purpose is to remain compatible at the provider level. In addition to small changes, such as a better provider for the development of new modules, the state encryption stands out. Terraform and Opentofu placed the infrastructure situation in a file. For cooperation, they usually survive in a S3 bucket. However, if its access authorities are lacking, unauthorized individuals can read the material – and the encryption is missing.
Hazel gave a weak opening lecture. His main message was that software development and configuration management is always about people. There are many possible definitions for software and configuration, such as “teaching sand to think” for software or “type-conducted development” for configuration. Weakly, people who revolve around people do better work: “For software how we see the world through each other’s eyes” and “how humans learn to adopt software for their needs Are “for configuration.
Cross -Sectional Task Trained wrong for troubleshooting
Laura Nolan presented his views on troubleshooting and debugging. Specific devops and sre teams (site reliability engineering), whose troubles in responsibility often falls, are incorrectly trained to adequately complete this cross-relative work. They often lack experience because professional areas have staff with young people, and focus on cloud or abstract systems implements the lack of knowledge of classic system administration, Nolan said. His lecture was underlined by comprehensive scientific sources, the concepts of which he clearly prepared in his lecture and presented it on the basis of “ever dealing with the worst issue”.
Laura Nolan criticized the lack of training for cross -sectional task troubleshooting.
(Image: Heise Online / Jan Bundesmann)
Ben Ford, known from the puppet community, described how to generate its value on open source projects by promoting a working ecosystem. No one would buy puppets without his “ecosystem”, he said. In the midst of the lines, it seemed that how ungrateful he believes, do you already mention a change in access to puppet. Philip hölzenspies introduce PKL to generate a language to generate structured data (acetic cucumber is spoken like the English word for “pickle”). In short, it resembles JSONNET, but there are additional mechanisms to validate the input – most likely to compare with q. PKL has been an open source project from the beginning of 2024.
The developers of the foreman community exchanged information about hosts in host commission and material management, especially safe boots, debut boots, Debian customers and Foreman and its components through containerization. The container set-up (including Catalo) is already working for growth and testing, but it is not yet mature for productive use. Furthermore, because the Classic Foreman Installer no longer works here, which kept many aspects of complex setup from people in front of the screen.
In recent years, more and more Kuberanets have been released in the configuration to users. The conference, which is also lovingly known as Yamal Camp, was certainly happy to deal with a product, which is completely used in Yamal. There was also a lecture strand in 2025, but the trend is stopped because there are enough special conferences. Otherwise, of course, Ansible played a major role. Nothing and Nicsos brought too much input and enjoyed great demand, and still social issues were La La “How do we read?” Or “How do we deal with each other?”. Keywords AI/AI cannot be avoided, but contribution to this has been more speculative.
The configuration management camp has been taking place in Ghant in Belgium for more than ten years. The regional and time proximity for fosdem allow both conferences to travel directly after the other. In 2025, around 700 people participated in a total of 11 tracks in CFGMGMTCamp, 450 (after 260 last year) on the workshop.