Home ENTERTAINMENT Apple TV+: Third season of “dissection” in Mach

Apple TV+: Third season of “dissection” in Mach


The drama series with complex science fiction bond is one of the big hits on “Savence” Apple TV+. Nevertheless, fans of the show had to wait for the second season from April 2022 to January 2025. It should no longer be in season 3: As the Hollywood reporter reports reporter’s magazine, pre -production is already running.


Producer and director Ben Still said that Los Angeles already had Writers Room Started for new episode Made. Therefore, a three -year wait should not be expected, he said with hope. In the Writers Room, the scripts are jointly formed for the US series. However, Apple himself has not yet officially confirmed that the third season will be – the “serence” is very important for the streaming offer, which can be assumed.

After Netflix, Amazon Prime and the company, Hollywood currently has a wave of budget deficiency, wants to order less shows or spend less money. But the Still believes that it will be possible to continue the show with similar brightness. Apple “lived on track” and supported the project. Apple TV+Programming Boss Matt Chernis confirmed this and said that you can see the “incredible success story in all comprehensible areas” in the “depression”.

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According to the stiller, a lot has changed after the strike, which was the main reason for the second season to start late. “People see budget and expenses differently.” “Savens” had collected 14 Amy nominations alone and received a lot of critics.

According to the Hollywood reporter, the series generated new customers with a total turnover of over $ 200 million, an episode allegedly costing up to $ 20 million. The stiller did not want to confirm these costs. Apple does not explain how many times the “dissection” is seen. The TV+ is sold in monthly membership for 9.99 euros, the service can be tested free of cost for seven days. Anyone who has treated himself for a new Apple Hardware-Shell iPhone, MAC, Apple TV or iPad-Gets TV+ for three months For free.


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