The US Main League MLS (Major League Soccer) rarely has rarely done on the note. Good games are shown there, for example from Inter Milan to Lionel Messi. Apple, which has rights for sports in the streaming sector, now wants to make it easy to know teams and leagues: from February there will be a weekly free game. This can be viewed by all Apple TV+customers without completing additional membership.
Standard subscription is a condition
Apple’s approach is reminiscent of “Friday Night Baseball”. Apple is selecting American baseball games with its own intermediaries every Friday since 2022. Initially, the service was completely free, now it is limited to paying TV+customers. If you want to see more than only Apple’s free games here, then you have to complete a subscription for the Major League Baseball League (MLB). This is the same with MLS. The cost of Apple TV+ is 9.99 euro per month, a free period of seven -day by default. When purchasing the Apple product, it increases by three months.
Apple offering begins on February 22 from the beginning of this year. The first free game will be aired on 23 February at 7 pm. Sports are broadcast in 100 countries worldwide. So -Cold Blackout, in which individual games are not broadcast in local markets, should not be present. Apple is creating a comprehensive accessory program, including the playoffs as part of the All-Star Games, “Audi MLS Cup” and individual “MLS Next Pro” Games.
Benefits from Messi Effect
Apple sells access to MLS, otherwise as a season nearby part, which is also available every month. The price without TV+ is 14.99 euro per month or 99 euros for the entire season. With TV+, 12.99 euros per month or 79 euros are due to the entire season. As always, Apple’s family approval can also be used to share the proposal with five people.
Apple Vision Pro-Including wants to create other games for 3D audio. The introduction of Lionel Messi in Inter Miami paid more attention to MLS. 2023 had a real Messi effect that Apple also wanted to use with several documentaries.