iOS 18.3.2: Suddenly push for iCloud mail is not possible

iOS 18.3.2: Suddenly push for iCloud mail is not possible

After the recent iOS update on the version 18.3.2 of the iPhone operating system, Apple’s email service has several user messages for difficulties using the iCloud mail. Informed Macrums. The complete access to the electropost is not disturbed, but the general distribution is no longer done by the push. Sometimes the process of bringing also fails. Users will only be informed about the receipt of new emails if they start the Apple email app on the iPhone and start a refresh there using the draw.

First, only the iCloud mail is affected, which is part of the in-house cloud package of Apple. Other services like Microsoft 365 give the message as usual, it said. “After updating me on iOS 18.3.2, there is a problem with iCloud mail on your iPhone,” writes a person affected in a long thread On redit“The new email has not been pushed on my device, although all the correct settings are active and it has worked well under 18.3.1.”

Apple did not provide any information in packing the package from iOS 18.3.2 that there were changes within the Apple mail on the iPhone. The sole published innovation was the remedy for errors in breeding of “some streaming materials”, and also filled out the problematic safety intervals. However, there were large -scale difficulties in relation to IMAP accounts when iOS introduced iOS from Vodadon. However, this subject clearly feels nothing with the latest error messages.

There are no working suggestions on how the problem can be solved at present. Users can only try This apple instructions Which access is checked. However, it does not help. It will also be comprehensible that the problem is a server error because the push notification of it comes. Apple currently says this and has no problem for the last few days System status website,

Meanwhile, the bug also appears with the beta version of iOS 18.4. Apple distributed it to the developers in the fourth infusion this week.



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