Our gallery photographers have a colorful selection of motifs ready for us this week: while snow is slowly falling down one street, a flower is breaking through the brown asphalt elsewhere.
silent walk
silent walk
(Image: Underhill)
The view of the half-timbered houses along Marburg’s Oberstadtgasse is almost magical. The falling snow, the process that changes the dark colors of the old town houses to a slightly greener hue, and the golden letters on the sign make the picture especially Christmassy. This moment, recorded by Underhill, appears still and calm – silent walk,
(Image: Nephantes Finnena)
Winter is the mating season for snow leopards. Frontal shot of Nephanta’s finna shows the jitters, “moody“The Beast. “It’s a crazy scene when two big cats play and have fun with each other, fight with each other a little, then clean themselves up, play again… It’s not so easy to take pictures – through a fence, or through a scratched glass.”
small waves
small waves
(Image: Metapix)

In an abstract black and white illustration of water, the viewer sees different things small wavesVarious forms can be discovered. It continues to be exciting how many different ways nature can be captured. Metapix gives you the opportunity to let your imagination run wild.
10. Hallway
10. Hallway
(Image: Carsten Geiselmann)
This architectural photo is one of many such special staircases in Hamburg. Office buildings and the magnificent and beautiful staircases built in them are a true paradise for lovers of this world of motifs. It was discovered by Carsten Geiselmann in 2018 10. HallwayWhose spiral shaped bannister draws the eye downwards. “Playing with shapes and colors in graphic creations is always a new challenge and opportunity to create something special for every staircase.”
three peaks
three peaks
(Image: holysh0t)
An image that combines stillness and movement. three peaks As the melt water flows slowly down the foreground, it splashes across the landscape. The cool breeze is almost noticeable due to the cool colors, but is balanced by the warm rays of the sun on the mountain. Holishot depicts an impressive landscape through perspective.
solid poppy seeds
solid poppy seeds
(Image: NAlois)
During an evening walk with Mangfall, Nloise (aka Alois Nagel) discovers this living artist on the new bridge over the Rosenheim West Tangente. “Poppy grew from crack in floor in front of concrete, hence the title solid poppy seeds,” she remembers. “I edited the image in Lightroom and cut it into a square because that way there would be more focus on the poppy.”
Catharine Palast (GI Door & Door)
Catharine Palast (GI Door & Door)
(Image: Rudigerlinse)
Open doors shine bright and golden Catherine Palace (Gl-Door and Gate) In front of the Rüdigerlinse. The palace in St. Petersburg appears spectacular because of the colors and grandeur, and the staggering and perspective give a suction effect to the space and image.
You can find an overview of all this week’s photos here:
