In media processing, high scaling of images and videos by artificial intelligence is one of the most useful functions – if AI starts “knowing” what the material is. This was clearly not when Sycom was processed in the “A District World” and the German “College Fiaber”, which moved to the USA in 1987.
Many viewers and many American media have been making fun of the results for weeks. In fact, AI produced some specific artifacts and hallucinations, which were the cause of the first generation model a few years ago. In the case of “college feeer”, however, many effects of previous analog and digital processing are clearly impaired, more and more.
Everyone scores, some wave with their teeth
In today’s version of the series, as can also be seen on Netflix in Germany, something that is wrong with a fleeting look in every scene. Depending on the movement and expression, everyone now and again, and, especially scary: teeth move and sometimes are especially regular, and sometimes incomplete. Or they merge into individual, large chewing devices. Writing, posters, doors, clothes or couchs are illegal, and can be seen in letters if strangely merged. The objects disappear behind the things that actually occur in the foreground, and on some of them, there are strange colored spots that turn from the picture to the picture.
Even in early credits, scary faces and deformed objects are noticeable.
(Image: Netflix, Screenshot: Hyz Online)
A statement by Netflix or companies involved. So vice“Molten nightmare” does not exist yet. Therefore, as part of this WTF message, the author’s speculation now has little experience in analogs such as digital media processing and series history. Incidentally, it began as a spin-off of “The Cosby Show” with critics and should follow the Dennis Huxable figure on its way through college. When Dennis actress, Lisa Bonton left the series after the first season, the last supporting roles captured the story. The series was converted into a more severe tone from a specific college sitcom in the late 1980s and early 1990s, such as dealt with HIV/AIDS and often praised in retrospects.
No, the actress does not really have such broken teeth. AI broke it.
(Image: Netflix, Screenshot: Hyz Online)
From film to magnetic band
As far as facts are concerned, now it is getting a little speculative. “A District World” was shot on an analogy film, as during its production period from 1987 to 1993. And at that time it was also common that an analog master was created for the construction of DVD – out of which only the first season appeared in 2005. Digital film scenes were new and were very expensive at that time, even today, many studios ran away from efforts. DVD Master was probably a magnetic band.

Director score and writing at the door of his office melts.
(Image: Netflix, Screenshot: Hyz Online)
Later broadcast also showed specific colors on digital television, such as rarely edited analog transfer, such as Dot crawlThis is caused by overcith. With these analog artifacts, the old theory of digitization applies: “garbage in garbage out“. Or, as sometimes used:” Garbage, Garbage Out2“, Because: digitization increases the corresponding errors.
Garbage four
This is probably how color errors can also be explained, shown in “college fiber”, for example, in black writing on white clothes: color bricks were already there, AI was now wrong that it was now wrong what colors should be and what should be. In the case of poor digital material, anyone can expand information if AI is released: “Garbage, Garbage Out4“But it only explains the clear technical errors of the picture, not the material.
Colorful spots on the shirt possibly come from errors in analog transfer, which is reinforced by AI.
(Image: Netflix, Screenshot: Hyz Online)
They can be because the AI ​​used here was not trained with the series or was not with this television material at all. If you see the picture of the Huxtable family in the episode before minute 14:22, which Dennis has clearly placed clearly in his student booth, it is worth noting: AI would have never seen these faces before. The presentation looks as if Salvador Dali brushed the Picasso Malan-Number Template from its cubist period. Very intoxicated.
Embarrassing for Netflix
This is more than embarrassing for a global media company like Netflix. Obviously, no one really saw the result of this AI renunciation. Otherwise it would also be worth noting that what is usually required by digital restoration was not found even in the beginning: contradictions are usually liquid, such as poor magnetic tape transfer, especially pure colors such as red or white. We saw it on a Calibrated IPS monitor for image processing as well as a VA display and a medium-ranked 4K TV with an OLED smartphone. Any image available in the film-gus is always disappeared, everything looks smooth, and possibly the soap effect is probably ubiquitous by the poor intermediate image calculation.
Can this broken image not stand out in the foreground?
(Image: Netflix, Screenshot: Hyz Online)
And it moves through the entire chain with AI creepy images, as we had checked with random samples in six sessions. It seems as if this AI was not allowed to learn from his work. In the end, it should be noted that this is not a matter of the author’s disappointed love, which is considered only in the 1990s. Rather, this version of “A separate world” simply shows especially well that you should not do anything like this.