Windows 11 upgrade trap: How to get all safety updates

Windows 11 upgrade trap: How to get all safety updates

It has been around Word that Windows 10 will no longer get security updates from autumn 2025. However, some Windows 11 PCs already depend on the update-even those sold with Windows 11. In the podcast we make it clear how to find out, have you come to the update trap and how to get out again.


Weekly C’T-Podcast C’t is uplink …

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The main reason, C’T Editor Jan Schü, Rear explains, Microsoft has hardware requirements for Windows 11, which seem more arbitrary than technically necessary or intelligent for most parts. The fact is primarily clear in the fact that Windows controls them with a new installation letter compared to the latter with updates. So you are considered to be the first function update that you get Windows 11 up and bottom: then Windows suddenly checks the import of update more accurately and refuses inappropriate systems.

The second part of the problem is that Microsoft provides each under the version of Windows 11 with updates for only three years for private users for two years. So if the system hangs on the under version 23H2, it is only updated by summer, PCs with 22h2 and 21h2 are also flown out of the update.

In the podcast we explain how you can import updates on 24h2, why the computer is purchased with Windows 11 and the upgrade problem from Windows 10 to 11 is almost loose.

Studio visit: Jaan Shu.
Hosts: Jörg Wirtgen
Production: Ralph Tuskke

Article on the subject (Paywall):

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â–º c’t-uplink change results:
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Windows 10 support end

In us WhatsApp Channel Sort Torsten and Jaan from Editor-in-Chief in IT World, summarize the most important thing and take a look at what our colleagues are preparing.

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