Home MOBILE Where is my suitcase: Accept Lufthansa & Company Airtag Tracking Link

Where is my suitcase: Accept Lufthansa & Company Airtag Tracking Link


Lufthansa and its subsidiaries are now accepting Airtag as a tracking aid for missing goods: if an airtag or apple’s “where is it?” Along with-Network of Sangat trackers in the suitcase that is going on, travelers can now share their place with customer service-and “Die support accessories tracking so digital”, As the Lufthansa Group announced,


Apart from Lufthansa, daughters Swiss, Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines and Euroing are also on the board. From now on, it would also be supported by Virgin Atlantic, as the airline announced on Thursday. From the end of 2024, such goods have been planned for flights with Delta, United, Air Canada and Air New Zealand.

Lufthansa recommends customers to keep the tracker in lost mode if the case is lost and for example, to store email address there. Tracking link “Where is?” In “objects” under “objects” in “objects” can be entered “Lost Airtag”. Customer service says that the Lufthansa does not want to do it immediately: only when the suitcase was not found after two days, the customer gets the option to share the tracking link “to support the assignment”, the customer service says Is.

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Airlines use a function launched by Apple in November last November, which enables more flexible parts of the airtag space. In this way, users can temporarily share the location of lost objects with third party on a simple web link for 7 days. The release then ends automatically. If an airtag has already seen the owner’s iPhone in advance, external tracking will also be closed.

The condition for this is that at least iOS 18.2 runs on the iPhone. To do this, you do not need to insert an airtag in the suitcase, usually a very cheaper option from the third-party manufacturers-the tracker “Where is it?” The network is compatible. Almost every apple device recognizes such Bluetooth trackers in its own environment and passes in a place-protected place with end-to-end encryption-to Apple Server. The owner can see this whereabouts, sometimes up to a few meters.

Two years ago, Lufthansa, careful about an alleged ban on Airtag in luggage and sometimes with contradictory statements, provided quite annoyance among customers who wanted to keep an eye on its suitcase in this way. The Federal Aviation Authority finally made it clear that small trackers that usually operate with a button cell do not reduce security risk.


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