Web Tips: Transparent Law | heise online

Web Tips: Transparent Law | heise online




The German Bundestag is a legislative machine. Every week, Parliament receives new drafts from the federal government that need to be read and decided on. Although expert politicians in committees may still have some perspective, the population has mostly been left behind. The Traffic Light Coalition promised to launch a “digital law portal” where ordinary people can also access observations. But he is still missing.

This situation troubled Sabrina Gehder in her podcast. parliamentary review Monthly report on new legislative initiatives. They set out to leverage publicly accessible sources such as the federal government’s Open Data API, the Bundestag website and committee RSS feeds, and automatically process them. The result is a great project Bundestag summaryWhich allows you to understand the history of each individual federal law. “This is my contribution to the discussion on transparent legislation: this is how I can imagine the kind of law portal I was promised in the coalition agreement,” she tells the site.

Gehder also uses generative AI wherever possible. It automatically evaluates committee agendas prepared as PDF files using GPT4. Summaries of legal texts are also produced by language models in a specific structure. However, Gehder edits the AI-generated text and fact-checks it. She is asking for donations to her project because, for example, GPT API calls would incur significant costs.

You can find more web tips on our website.

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