Historical changes in the Telegram. This Monday, controversial Application The instant messaging company announced a revision of its privacy policy Privacy This will allow you to bow before the authorities data Users’ personal data is checked for possible Crimes As long as there is a valid legal order.
“We will not allow bad actors to threaten the integrity of our platform for nearly a billion users,” the Telegram founder and CEO told Polygon. pavel durovIn a message published on his channel.
This change occurs about a month later, in mid-August, France The 39-year-old Franco-Russian billionaire was arrested after it was considered that his lack of moderation on Telegram and lack of cooperation with authorities made him an accomplice to crimes that are committed on the app such as TerrorHe Drug tradeThe Child sexual abuse Or Danger. Durov was released on bail of five million euros, but is banned from leaving French territory. You will have to appear before the police up to twice a week during your investigation.

Cooperation with officials
The unprecedented action of French justice has forced Durov to make amends. “If Telegram receives a valid order from the relevant judicial authorities confirming that you are a suspect in the relevant case Criminal activities which violates Telegram’s Terms of Service, we will legally analyze the request and may reveal your IP address and phone number. phone to the concerned authorities,” its new rules read.
Telegram’s CEO also revealed yesterday that the platform has already removed “problematic content.” Your search function ApplicationThey admitted, “It has been abused by people who have violated our terms of service to sell illegal products.” As confirmed by the French newspaper Le MondeSearches that were granted access 15 days ago WeaponsDrugs or stolen items no longer yield any consequences.
Although he initially condemned his arrest, Durov appears to have bowed to Paris’ demands. “This year we are committed to moving moderation on Telegram from an area of ​​criticism to an area of ​​praise,” he said on September 6, when he announced changes to highlight users who have “legitimate businesses” rather than “bots and scammers.”
For Technical Researcher John Scott-RailtonDurov’s arrest has led the general public to understand that Telegram has “always had access to user content” and that most of its services have never been end-to-end encrypted, guaranteed Privacy. However, many dissidents around the world continue to use this application. For them the new policy of cooperation with the authorities is a sign of “fear and anxiety”.