Founder Y.J.Pavel Durov, head of Telegram, has issued Inform your users in which you agree to moderate the application’s private chat after you Arrest and prosecution in France.
39 year old millionaire After his arrest, he broke his silence in a long message on TelegramWhile he said he found it “surprising” to be held responsible for content posted by other people. But he acknowledged that the growth in the number of Telegram users, which he estimates now at 950 million worldwide, has created such a situation. “Criminals were allowed to more easily abuse our platform.”
News on Telegram
The FAQ section of the app now shows the following information: Option to report “illegal content” in private chats, an option that was previously unavailable. Durov had previously come out against the accusations leveled against him in France in a message to Telegram users, in which he acknowledged that the social network is not perfect, but He denies that it is “some kind of lawless paradise” and announces changes to make it “safer”.

,We remove millions of harmful posts and channels every day. We publish daily transparency reports (like this or this). We have hotlines with NGOs to process urgent moderation requests faster,” Durov emphasizes.
“We have already started that process internally andI will share more details with you about our progress soon.” said Durov, who was released on probation after his arrest last August.
Regarding his accusation by the French justice system, he complained “They had multiple ways to reach out” for assistance. and mentioned that, when asked, he personally helped them “set up a hotline with Telegram to combat the threat of terrorism in France”.
One of the new features highlighted by Durov is the arrival of “Nearby Businesses” geolocation, which will only include “legitimate and verified companies”instead of “People Nearby”, which made it easier to contact users located nearby. His judicial control also includes a bail of five million euros and reporting to the police station twice a week.