Survey: Smartphones disrupt youth’s education

Survey: Smartphones disrupt youth’s education

According to a survey, smartphones especially distract many youth from learning. In a survey by IU International University, two out of three respondents between the ages of 16 and 25 cited smartphones as a disruptive factor. This made devices the most frequently cited cause of distraction in the so-called Generation Z.


Of all those surveyed, only one in three said they were distracted from studying because of their cell phone. For people aged 26 to 40, cell phones were also considered the biggest distraction. On the other hand, people over 40 suffer from fatigue mainly during studies.

According to learning reportPublished for the first time by a private university in Erfurt, about half of people in Germany estimate that they can study with concentration for one to two hours. For 17.2 percent it was only half an hour, while 14.2 percent said it was three to four hours.

“Generation Z grew up in this digital environment. And this ultimately promotes fragmented attention patterns,” said Ulrike Lichtinger, a social scientist at IU. According to a study recently published by the digital association Bitcom, three-quarters of all children aged ten to twelve in Germany already have their own smartphone.

Many people have now become accustomed to multitasking, Lichtinger said. This means constant interruptions in concentration. “And with the younger generation, it’s even more serious with apps like Snapchat or TikTok.”

Older generations were also more accustomed to adapting learning settings to achieve success. Today the situation is a little different. “Generation Z became much more self-reliant. However, learning settings did not reflect this autonomy and self-determination to the same extent.”

Lichtinger further said that setting aside 20-minute learning steps and turning off your cell phone during this time can help. It is important to keep your smartphone away from you so that it is difficult to reach. “You can achieve this with a cell phone cage, or simply by placing the smartphone in another room.”


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