For revenue from net music membership, Spotify has to pay high royalty in the US compared to boungin services, which have other services other than music – provided that additional performance from “symbolic price” (“token price”) in additional performance Be more Therefore, Spotify 2023 used 15 monthly hours of the audio book for each payment subscription and then activated the savings segment in March 2024. The US Verwertungsgesellschaft MLC did not want to accept it. He sued Spotify and now lost in the first example. Gold is worth gold for a spotpost.
Because the US Federal Court for Southern New York has nothing to complain about the Spotphis Tantem exercise. The judge also did not consider the process of a court; Because even though all the claims of the trial were correct, Spotiff did not legally charge it. Audio streammer follows the requirements of relevant regulation.
MLC is a recycling company that represents the rights of Liberateists, musicians and music publishers in the USA. Spotify uses a legally provided license and pays MLC license fee based on sources from A. US parliamentary library ordinance (37 CFR paragraph 385 FF)
Savings segment
A pure music streammer for mobile devices should pay a more amount of 15% of all relevant sales to MLC, or all royalty should be paid 26.2% (hence the total cost of the material, other rights holders.) . Details such as minimal fees and small cuts play no role for basic theory. However, if it is a bundle product, the MLC stock not only drops from 26.2 to 24.5 percent, also changes the basis of calculation, as the “relevant sales” for music rights is only part of the bundle value in the bundle product.
The streaming provider can calculate the ratio of pure music proposal based on the sum of individual components of the bundle. The bidder does not apply different parts, he can use the most comparative competitive product. In addition to music, Spotify has been included in its premium membership over the years, but always paid MLC’s high music tariffs. After the audio books were added in November 2023, the streaming provider activated only Sparklossel in March 2024.
At that time, Spotify in the United States sought a network of about eleven dollars for bundle products with audio books, and ten dollars for net audio book streaming membership. Thus, the basis of calculation for MLC antiques in bundle membership decreased by about 48 percent. From about half the amount, Spotify paid 24.5 instead of only 26.2 percent. MLC saw a loss of income of $ 150 million per year and sued Spotify for injury to the US Copyright Act. Spotify was applied to the procedure to rent the process due to lack of legally relevant allegations.
Success: The court found that “the rules are unclear and that the correct spotff is the only admirable application of the situation.” If someone follows the information of the plaintiff, the audio bookstreaming is somewhat different from music streaming and also has a higher symbolic value. The classification in the form of bundle service is therefore correct.
It is irrelevant to the classification of tariffs whether Spotify used to add 15 hours of audibook enjoyment per month for savings purposes only, or only a few customers used additional proposals. MLC argued that audiors were only symbolic as a pure audio book could not be offered from the spotify homepage (you have to try a search engine), and because Spotify did not increase prices for music membership when audio books were added to audio books. . ,
On the other hand, Spotify put a better proposal of customers, which will later be praised (-) and actually Spotify raised US prices in June. From the court point of view, neither the price nor to determine whether to determine whether an “symbolic value” in a service is more; A heavy concessional curly proposal can also be valuable for customers.
Similarly, it does not help MLC that in March 2024 only the bundle clause was trusted. Spotify probably paid the first MLC unnecessarily paid high royalty, which does not obstruct the use of sparklasel. The MLC may appeal against the court’s decision.
Is called legal proceedings Mechanical licensing collective v spotify And is pending on the US Federal Court of New York under AZ.