From early September, users of the music streaming service Spotify will no longer be able to use the hardware buttons on their iPhone to change the volume of devices connected via Spotify Connect. This is the change in Spotify Announced on a support page And says he’s working on a solution with Apple.
The reason for the sudden change is that Apple has discontinued the interface previously used by Spotify for control via hardware volume buttons. Instead, users now have to take a detour through the Spotify app. Spotify Connect can be used to adjust the volume of suitable speakers, game consoles, computers, televisions and other devices playing Spotify music.

The new route is much less comfortable
Anyone who keeps pressing the volume up or volume down button will receive a notification that refers to the app. The app itself has a slider that can be used to adjust the volume. However, compared to the previous approach, this new solution is significantly less convenient.
According to “The Verge”, a new dispute is apparently brewing between Spotify and Apple in this context, as the music streaming service accuses the iPhone maker of blocking technology that Apple itself uses in connection with the HomePod and Apple TV. Specifically in the European Union, Spotify is apparently speculating on sanction measures under the Digital Markets Act (DMA), since in Spotify’s opinion Apple would violate the requirement to support interoperability.
Spotify doesn’t like Apple’s solution
Apparently, from Apple’s point of view, it’s all about Spotify’s persistent refusal to use the developer interface (API) to use Spotify directly on the HomePod. Of course, it would also be in Apple’s interest to make its speaker more attractive. So far, listening to Spotify music is only possible through AirPlay audio technology, with which it is streamed from the iPhone to the speaker. He says that with integration into the HomePod, Spotify could probably use the volume buttons again.
Since 2019, Apple has opened the HomePod to external music services. Spotify has so far refused. The reason given was that Siri was clearly not in demand among users.