Home DEVELOPER Spotify DJ | Spotify comes with an AI DJ that selects the...

Spotify DJ | Spotify comes with an AI DJ that selects the songs you want to hear


AI has (finally) arrived on Spotify To offer us one of the features that many listeners expected: listening to music according to their interests without having to search song by song. This is the function of Personal DJ (still in beta and only for Premium users) that arrives on the music platform in Spain this month.’Livi’ The platform is responsible for selecting songs by combining personalization technology, generative AI, and a real voice.

With the introduction of AI DJs, Spotify wanted to increase the importance of context for usersplaying personalized music recommendations that are more likely to be listened to and would have otherwise been skipped. So, play nostalgic, playful, recent memories, or even songs you haven’t been able to get out of your head in a while.

The change to Spanish comes a year after the release of the English version, and millions of Spanish-speaking listeners on Spotify have been able to get what they had been asking for for months on social networks. A statement from Spotify said, “Launching DJ in Spanish was a natural step in the evolution of the product, and we are excited for the world to get to know ‘Livi’, the voice of DJ in Spanish.”

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The person in charge of voicing ‘Livi’ is Olivia ‘Livi’ Quiroz RoaMexico City-based Spotify music editor who has spent his entire career in the music industry. I previously curated playlists on the platform and was instrumental in the launch. He now voices ‘Livi’, which provides context for music recommendationscreating an even deeper connection between artists and fans, and now taking the opportunity to reach the millions of Spanish-speaking listeners on the platform and offer them an entirely new way to listen to Spotify.

Available in Spain and Latin America

The Spanish voice will be available to premium listeners, and is expanding to premium users in Spain and a number of select Latin American markets, including Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.

How to find a DJ? To enjoy ‘Livi’, you just have to go to the search tab in Spotify and type “DJ”, press the play button and your personal DJ will do the rest. If you want to change the language, you just have to touch the three-dot menu inside the DJ card and choose between English or Spanish.

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