In a blog entry, Sonos boss Patrick Spence personally apologized for the failed launch of the new Sonos app. “We know many of you have had significant problems with our new app,” Spence wrote in the post. “There isn’t a single Sonos employee who doesn’t feel bad about disappointing you.”
The new Sonos app was released in May with many missing features and technical shortcomings. Because the new Sonos app completely replaced the previous application, many users were upset with the perceived regression. Sleep timers and local music search were missing from the app, and alarm clocks were also not working at launch.
“We developed the new app to create a better experience,” Spence writes in a blog post. It was clear from the beginning that the app should get better over time. Instead, what was not planned was a “series of problems” that took time to resolve. Therefore, the introduction of the originally planned new functions was delayed.
Roadmap for reform
Since launching the new app Sonos Regularly releases software updates for the appwhich allows users to configure and control the audio playback of their Sonos speakers. In his blog entry, Spence now gives an outlook on future functions. In the summer months, the music library will be modified by implementing browsing and search functions.
In September, Sonos wants to improve the user interface and fix alarm errors. The ability to edit playlists and playback queue should also be enabled by October at the latest.
In May, several Sonos employees confronted angry users in a forum and promised to improve the app.