Home DEVELOPER Software-architektur.tv: Team Topology in Practice with Kim Nena Duggan

Software-architektur.tv: Team Topology in Practice with Kim Nena Duggan


Team topology is considered a promising concept for setting up teams for software development projects. At first glance, the ideas seem easy to understand – and that is one of the advantages of team topology.


But in practice, challenges often arise because reality is complex and diverse. Discussed in this episode kim nena duggan And Eberhard Wolff shares his experiences, scenarios and practical solution ideas with Team Topology.

Lisa Moritz is not doing any sketchnotes this time. The live stream of the show is available here and on YouTube:

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The broadcast will be live on Monday, September 16, 2024 from 5 PM to 6 PM, and the episode will be available as a recording later. During the live stream, questions can be asked via Twitch chat, YouTube chat. Blue Sky, Mastodon, Slack Workspace or anonymously through Form on Videocast website Bring in.

Software-Architektur.tv is a videocast by Eberhard Wolff, blogger and podcaster at iX and renowned software architect who works as Head of Architecture at SWAGLab. Since June 2020, more than 200 episodes have been created that shed light on various areas of software architecture – sometimes with guests, sometimes with Wolff solo. For two years now, iX (heise developer) has been integrating episodes streamed via YouTube into the online channel so that viewers can follow video casts from Heise media.

More information about the case can be found on the Videocast website,


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