Market researchers at IDC estimate that 1.24 billion new smartphones will be delivered worldwide in 2024. This is an increase of 6.2 percent. The world market has shrunk in the last two years. IDC says demand for new devices has increased, which will drive the market growth this year.
But this backlog will reduce, so market researchers are expecting significantly lower growth rates over the next few years. First, almost everyone who can afford a smartphone already has one, second, devices last longer than ever before, and third, the used market is becoming more and more important.
This is not because more and more network operators prefer to lease cell phones instead of selling them. Customers pay for new cell phones which they have to return in good condition after a certain period of time. The network operator can then make money again from the same device.
Android is in demand
The current year’s growth is almost entirely due to Android smartphones, 7.6 percent more of which are being shipped. This growth is particularly strong in Europe, Japan and regions outside North America. looks at the iPhone Report Only 0.4 percent more devices were sold compared to 2023. While Apple may make significant profits in India, for example, it will suffer a setback in the People’s Republic of China, the USA and Europe.
However, iPhones are expected to become the driving force as early as 2025 (+3.1%). According to forecasts, the Android market will also continue to grow, but at a slower pace (+1.7%). Other mobile phone operating systems do not play a significant role yet, which is what Huawei is doing with its new smartphone series Mate(70).
There is hope for change.
By the way, the hype around foldable smartphones is waning: their sales figures fell by 7.4 percent in the third quarter. Chinese manufacturers in particular have dedicated themselves to this market sector. That’s still 10.5 percent growth for the full year, according to IDC, and that figure is expected to continue in double digits over the next few years. However, Chinese manufacturers have shifted their focus from folding devices to cell phones with generative artificial intelligence.
IDC also publishes the average net selling price. New Android smartphones cost $295 this year, $14 more than two years ago. That’s $1,042, $46 more than for the new iPhone. In the coming years, IDC expects prices to drop slightly, to an average of $287 for Android smartphones and $1,001 for iPhones.