Screen on MacBook Air M4: A wish is fulfilled, not another

Screen on MacBook Air M4: A wish is fulfilled, not another

The central innovations of the MacBook Air M4, presented by Apple on Wednesday, include better support from the external screen. Many users had already expected pre -modal for them. Another desire that affects the integrated performance remained incomplete.


In the future, MacBook Air 60 Hz can address two external screens with 6K resolution on a reclusion frequency, while the internal screen is active with full native resolution and color display. Earlier, two screens on the MacBook Air M3 could only be used when you twisted the computer down, meaning the outer input device (keyboard and mouse/trackpad) also to be able to control it.

So you have more screen surface with M4. “Connect two external displays and convert MacBook Air into the right workstation. The additional space on the screen makes it very easy to work with several documents or apps,” Apple advertises innovation.

Mobile World Congress corresponds to its historical record and closes with 109,000 attendeesMobile World Congress corresponds to its historical record and closes with 109,000 attendees

For comparison: MacBook Air M1 and M2 officially supported only one external screen, M3 again – but with a horse’s leg that internal performance cannot be used further. With M4, now you have three screens in parallel to the company, making it understandable to coordinate colors simultaneously. Earlier, you only had the opportunity to connect more screens with the Tricks-e-Display Link Adapter, which was required via USB-C, which also costs money.

However, Apple has not met another customer request: the order option for the matte screen with nanotecture, as you know it from the MacBook Pro and the iPad Pro. Neither 13- nor McBook Air M4’s 15-inch model is available with matte screen. Nanoctures screen are particularly popular with professional users because they have a mirror-free, paper-like surface.

However, Apple leaves the delimitation that only “pro” devices receive nanoteters. Because MacBook Air is still sold as an entry -level model – despite the fact that you pay at least 1199 euros for the machine, even 1499 euros with 15 inches.


Mobile World Congress corresponds to its historical record and closes with 109,000 attendeesMobile World Congress corresponds to its historical record and closes with 109,000 attendees


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