Home ENTERTAINMENT Retrons and N64 replica analog 3D delayed by July 2025

Retrons and N64 replica analog 3D delayed by July 2025


With retroocon, called “analog 3D”, Nintendo -64 Games in 4K resolution should be played last year. But the introduction continues. Now the new game console for old games should be available in July 2025, as the manufacturer announced yesterday. On the same day, another N64 retro-censole indicated, but so far there is no details about this competitive model.

Analog had already announced its N64 console in autumn 2023 with 4K resolution and promised the market launch for 2024. This is to play N64 games using the original plug module in modern resolutions. However, a year later, the manufacturer stated that analogs would be available in N64 version 2025. In the first quarter of this year, the retro console must be available for $ 250.

However, nothing becomes, because now Analog explains On its own website which delays delivery by July 2025. The manufacturer did not give a reason for this change. The N64 Retro-Console has been given before the previous year. The manufacturer promises that pre -gates can be canceled at any time till the date of delivery, allowing the payment to be completely reimbursed.

Console replication can reproduce N64 games in modern resolutions up to 4K. Alternatively, there are also performance modes with retro attractions that can recreate contemporary tube TVs. The N64 games are not imitated, but are played in the original thanks to FPGA. Analog 3D is called Sangat with a complete list of nintendos published in 1996. You can simply put the game cartridge and play, but a controller is not included. It can be ordered separately for $ 40 or you can use basic controllers for Nintendos N64, for which related connections are available.

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However, analog has been threatened with new competition between N64 retrooconsols. Modratro boss explained yesterday Palmer Lucky on XEast Twitter, its own N64 replica. The founder and tech entrepreneur of Oculus showed two symbols with a large ‘M’ and ’64’, which suggests both N64 and Modretro. To do this, he quotes the known sentence from the film “Matrix” with selection between blue and red pills.

Palmer Lucky has already re -made the game boy with modratro chromatic, but the contribution to the X is not yet an official announcement of its N64 replica. However, a person commented that he had already ordered an analog 3D, in which Lukki replied that “the opinion was never late”. In addition, the official modratro account in the X divided Luke’s contribution, so that the M64 announcement from the modretro is cured-if it has been decided for the logo design.

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