Reepebble: New Start for pebble Smartwatch

Reepebble: New Start for pebble Smartwatch

Pebble founder Eric Migikowski wants to bring a wrist-clock with a pebble-compatible network on the market again. He will have hot-hot. Canadian announced this on Monday. On the same day, Google placed most of the Pablos Source Code as online open source online. The Pable Technology Corporation sold more than two million smartwatches with an appar screen from 2013 to 2016, but slipped into insolvency in the end of 2016.


The contestants Fitbeit bought insolvency goods from pebble bankruptcy and handled some employees. Google Fitbit later swallowed, so that the rights of the pebbleos landed into the data group. In 2012, public start for pebbles was an extraordinary successful herd financing. For the first pebble clock, Migikovski wanted to find $ 100,000, together more than a hundred times in 37 days. After subsequent insolvency, a community under the name placed operations for pebbles and one on the app store. Therefore, many pebbles are still in operations.

Now Migicovsky is making a new attempt to launch new pebble hardware. It is much easier and cheaper today than a decade ago, he writes in a blog post on the project mentioned on the project mentioned. After all, there are now many “competent factories”, and Bluetooth chips have become cheap, better and more energy-efficient. Thanks to man especially Google Source of source codeNew watches should use the same operating system so that the existing apps and dial are compatible.

The revival is clearly reluctant: “I really really is In fact Hope someone else comes together and makes a pebble option “, Inventors write“But no one did this. So … a small team and I returned to the world of hardware and brought back the pebble!” He is looking for investors loosening up Not clearly, he also wants to do something. Meditation is on stability: “I would like to continue building a cool gadget and keep the pebble alive for a long future.”

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The new pebble smartwatch must have essential specifications and performance features as original pebbles with “some fun new accessories”. There is no date for the presence of the market. Incidentally, there is an Android app as a partner for existing and future pebble equipment called cobles, an iOS version. Migicowski’s team also contributed to it. He also invites the world to develop his own equipment for Pablos.


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