Product workers: looking for jobs in tough times

Product workers: looking for jobs in tough times

This episode of the ProductWorker Podcast is about looking for a job as a Product Owner or Product Manager in the current tough economic times. Tim Klein and Dominic Winter shed light on current challenges and provide valuable tips on how product people can better position themselves to find a new job.


One of the main reasons for the difficult situation many product owners are in is the economic pressures that companies are currently facing. Job cuts in agile teams and reductions in external consulting and freelance contracts are among the most common scenarios. Sectors such as the automotive industry or energy-intensive industries such as steel are particularly badly affected. In many companies, the focus is again primarily on on-site work rather than remote work. This limits the flexibility of job search to the local scope.

But even beyond such external factors, many product owners face a challenge: clearly communicating their role and their value contribution. Product owners are often only perceived as “backlog pushers” if they fail to make their actual responsibility for the product and thus their impact on business results visible. Currently it seems especially important to concretely present your own contribution to avoiding bad investments or increasing the quality of the product – for example through key figures or success stories.

Tim and Dominic also give you advice on how to improve your situation. It’s about representing clear expertise – whether it’s product discovery, distribution or other key topics in product development.

Well, this requires creating a well-organized LinkedIn profile; As well as networking within the community. Programs like Product Lean Coffee or other exchange formats provide opportunities to showcase, learn from others, and discover potential job opportunities.

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Another tip: Dare to think outside the box! In many companies the distinction between the roles of Product Owner and Product Manager is fluid. But the job description on its left and right should also be considered at this time. People who expand their search usually have a better chance of finding a suitable position.

Finally, Tim and Dominic appeal to the community and their networks to offer active support – whether that’s by sharing a job offer or through direct placement. Such connections can make a huge difference, especially in difficult times.

Lastly, he encourages people to remain optimistic despite all the challenges and accept even small failures to overcome this economic drought. Because one thing is clear: the current situation will not last long, and good preparation is the key to future opportunities when looking for a job as a Product Owner and Product Manager.

Notes on the recommendations mentioned:

Links to old relevant episodes:

The current version of the podcast is also available on the ProductWorker blog: “Looking for a job as a product owner or product manager in tough times,

Product Owner Day, conference in Mannheim, April 2 and 3, 2025

How can agile product management improve? product owner day dpunkt.verlag and iX will get to the bottom of this question on April 2 and 3, 2025 in Mannheim. Experts share the latest insights and experience reports on user research, product discovery, product roadmaps, product strategy and more. The conference also provides ample space for networking.

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