Product Worker: Use Product Roadmap in Daily Work

Product Worker: Use Product Roadmap in Daily Work

This episode of Product Workers is about how a product roadmap can be used in daily work. At the beginning of a year, many product owners and product managers invest a lot of energy in creating a product roadmap. But what happens later? Oliver Winter and Tim Klein talk about this: The roadmap, often the result of intense discussion and strategic planning, is not a static document, but a dynamic tool that should shape the everyday life of product teams.


A product roadmap provides direction. It builds the bridge between the product vision and the operational tasks in the backlog. Thus it becomes the implementation of the product strategy and helps in making more informed decisions. Particularly in discussions with stakeholders, this provides clear guidance on which outcomes and goals to focus on. Rather than discussing individual features, the roadmap draws attention to broader goals and allows new requirements to be critically examined.

In the Scrum context, the product roadmap proves particularly useful. Whether in sprint planning, when formulating sprint goals or in sprint review – the roadmap ensures a clear connection between vision, strategy and operational implementation. It shows how the current sprint goal contributes to the long-term product goals. Furthermore, it helps product owners maintain focus, for example in discussions about priorities or new feature requests.

The roadmap also provides guidance in terms of product discovery. Uncertainties that arise during development can be addressed systematically. This makes it possible to prioritize particular hypotheses or assumptions and evaluate their relevance to the overall picture. The iterative nature of the roadmap becomes clear: new insights lead to adjustments to ensure the product meets market needs.

Using a product roadmap in your daily work requires commitment and discipline. It’s more than just a document – ​​it’s a central part of the product function and helps connect long-term goals to daily tasks. Reflecting on and adopting this regularly helps make product development effective and targeted.

The current version of the podcast is also available on the ProductWorker blog: “Use product roadmaps in your daily work,

Product Worker: Use Product Roadmap in Daily WorkProduct Worker: Use Product Roadmap in Daily Work

Product Owner Day, conference in Mannheim, April 2 and 3, 2025

How can agile product management improve? product owner day dpunkt.verlag and iX will get to the bottom of this question on April 2 and 3, 2025 in Mannheim. Experts share the latest insights and experience reports on user research, product discovery, product roadmaps, product strategy and more. The conference also provides ample space for networking.

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