Product Worker: As product owner, get time management control

Product Worker: As product owner, get time management control

Time management – a permanent topic for product owner and product manager. In the current episode of the product worker, Tim Klein Jennifer talks about endless hunting for longer time and why traditional time management methods are often not solutions.


Jennifer Michelman has many years of experience in product management and knows permanent pressure to be constantly available and accessible. But he also learned how to free himself from it. Your approach: Instead of losing yourself in methods and two-do lists, it is about questioning your own role and expectations.

One of the biggest problems is definitely one thing with which surcharge is accepted. The product owner tells one and other how many meetings they have and how much time is there for important things – until it becomes an unwritten rule: if you are not stressed, you are doing something wrong. But this is where Jennifer Michelman comes. It asks to take away from the idea of ​​making conscious decisions and always being responsible for everything.

With her “stop dance” principle, she shows a heavy way: DEfine priorities, ATime, NOtis pattern, COnseter Kolag and ETStanding boundaries. The idea behind it? Clearly define what really matters, reserved time, recognizing your own pattern, consciously insignificant and clear boundaries. Those who take these principles seriously not only win more time, but also win more clarity in their role.

Meetings are another major theme: are all appointments really necessary? A radical step can be to remove and see all the serial dates what actually ends in the calendar. The type of collaboration with stakeholders should also be covered – not every vote should not be performed contemporaryly.

This question is particularly exciting how the product owner treats his managers. Jennifer Michelman advised to make his own work more visible, actively manage expectations and communicate clearly, which is realistic. If you are waiting for decisions, you often wait in vain – and so yourself should have courageous priorities.

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And then it is a matter of stress. Michelman warns the dangerous cycle of permanent functioning. Anyone who reacts only loses control. Your advice: Stop regularly, intentionally reflect and identify when structural changes are necessary. In some cases it may also mean changing the job.

Time management is not a question of technology, but of the approach. Those who manage to set a clear limit, not only win valuable time to lose themselves in meetings and operational details and take responsibility consciously – but also more satisfaction in the job.

The previous episode mentions in conversation:

Product workers recommend this further content of their podcast guest:

A clear literature recommendation by Jennifer Michelman on this subject:

If you want to contact Jennifer Michelman directly, it is best to reach her LinkedIn Profile,

The current version of the podcast is also available in the product worker’s blog: “As the product owner gets his time under management control,

Product owner day, conference in colon, 2 and 3 April, 2025

How does Ageal Product Management work better? Product owner day From dpunkt.verlag and ix, this question will reach the bottom of this question in Colon on April 2 and 3, 2025. Experts share the latest conclusions and experience reports on user research, product search, product roadmap, product strategy and more. The conference also provides a lot of space for networking. Tickets are In online shop Available.

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